Could your dad, verify this account through his well-established social media account (that has not been recently created), please?
Thank you.
Could your dad, verify this account through his well-established social media account (that has not been recently created), please?
Thank you.
hi there.. Let me know how I can do this for him?
Hello @vixmemon
Since the account appeared to belong to a child we had to ask for the verification to avoid any possible child exploitation/identity theft/identity deception.
To confirm your authorship of the content, could you please add the link to your Hive blog to your well-established social media account like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (which has not been recently created)?
After you add the link, please respond to this comment with the URL link to that website.
You can remove this mention, once we confirm the authorship.
Thank you.
More Info: Introducing Identity/Content Verification Reporting & Lookup
submitted the form
I was not able to find the verification in that Twitter account.
What information are you looking for in twitter account? this whole process is very unclear. It seems it needs proper documentation and process
To confirm your authorship of the content, could you please add the link to your Hive blog to your Twitter account?
Done! please verify now
I have verified both accounts. You can remove the mention at X if you prefer.
https://hivewatchers.com/verifications?utf8=✓&verification%5Busername_search%5D=vixmemon https://hivewatchers.com/verifications?utf8=%E2%9C%93&verification%5Busername_search%5D=hamzawaqas
Are you the owner of this company?
I sent a custom json transaction to hive api node through my nodejs...
i could not find any other way...
here is the transaction, I hope this is what you meant by verification..
Transaction e3f34143d57a844ba0eeeb2571b1ea65581b13a1