Blood for Mother

in Freewriters11 months ago

Blood for Mother

In the middle of the silent night, a child sat beside the bed of his mother who was lying weakly. In the darkness of the room, the dim light of the nightlight illuminated her worried face. Tomorrow morning, his mother will undergo bone surgery which is important for her recovery. However, there is one urgent need: blood with a suitable type.

Without hesitation, the child decided to donate blood. Even though his body was tired and his mind was anxious, his resolve did not waver. He knew that the drop of blood he gave could be the hope for his mother's recovery. With careful steps, he prepared himself for the journey to the blood donation center.

Arriving at the blood donation center, the child was accompanied by deep tension. However, his determination never diminished. He went through the examination process with great patience, waiting his turn with unwavering hope. Finally, as the needle pierced her skin, she felt a warm touch of courage fill her.

Drop by drop, his blood flowed into the storage bag. Even though the process is short, the meaning is huge. He knew that his blood would be the source of life for his beloved mother. With a heart full of prayer and hope, he prayed that tomorrow's surgery would go smoothly and that his mother would recover fully.

With careful steps, the child returned home to his mother's bedside. In the dark of night, he conveyed his best prayers for his mother's recovery. With burning hope and firm faith, he awaited the dawn that would bring good news: that his mother would recover and together they would face blessed days.

Darah untuk Ibu

Di tengah malam yang sunyi, seorang anak duduk di samping tempat tidur ibunya yang terbaring lemah. Dalam kegelapan kamar, cahaya lampu tidur yang redup menerangi wajahnya yang penuh kekhawatiran. Besok pagi, ibunya akan menjalani operasi tulang yang penting untuk kesembuhan. Namun, ada satu kebutuhan mendesak: darah dengan golongan yang cocok.

Tanpa ragu, anak itu memutuskan untuk melakukan donor darah. Meskipun tubuhnya lelah dan pikirannya cemas, tekadnya tidak goyah. Dia tahu bahwa setetes darah yang dia berikan dapat menjadi harapan bagi kesembuhan ibunya. Dengan langkah hati-hati, dia menyiapkan diri untuk perjalanan menuju pusat donor darah.

Sampai di pusat donor darah, anak itu ditemani oleh ketegangan yang mendalam. Namun, keteguhan hatinya tidak pernah surut. Dia melewati proses pemeriksaan dengan penuh kesabaran, menunggu giliran dengan harapan yang tak tergoyahkan. Akhirnya, saat jarum menusuk kulitnya, dia merasakan sentuhan hangat keberanian yang memenuhi dirinya.

Setetes demi setetes, darahnya mengalir ke dalam kantong penyimpanan. Meskipun prosesnya singkat, artinya begitu besar. Dia tahu bahwa darahnya akan menjadi sumber kehidupan bagi ibunya yang tercinta. Dengan hati yang penuh dengan doa dan harapan, dia berdoa agar operasi besok berjalan lancar dan ibunya pulih sepenuhnya.

Dengan langkah hati-hati, anak itu kembali pulang ke samping tempat tidur ibunya. Dalam gelapnya malam, dia menyampaikan doa-doa terbaiknya untuk kesembuhan sang ibu. Dengan harapan yang membara dan keyakinan yang kokoh, dia menantikan fajar yang membawa berita baik: bahwa ibunya akan kembali pulih dan bersama-sama mereka akan menapaki hari-hari yang penuh berkah.


How did everything go? If your mother out of the hospital and on her feet again?

Thank God, the operation went smoothly and my mother was starting to be able to sit even though she was still assisted

Wonderful! Hope that she's doing exercises every day! One thing I learned from our orthopedic surgeons is that it's important to begin exercises the same day of the operation, as it leads to better long-term outcomes. Make sure she exercises herself and gets strong. 💪

Thank you for your kindness

Likewise, thank you 🙏