It turned out there was a fractured bone

in Freewriters11 months ago

It turned out there was a fractured bone.

When my mother went to the emergency room yesterday, an X-ray was taken on her thigh and there was no bone disturbance.
But this morning another x-ray was done on the waist, the x-ray results revealed a fracture in the hip bone and surgery had to be done.

My mother's legs also turned out to be long on one side, possibly due to an accident that happened a long time ago.

Hopefully the operation will go smoothly and my mother can return to her normal activities.

Even though the plan for the Idhul Fitri holiday was to go to Jakarta, spend the holiday at my younger brother's place, and in the end it was canceled because my mother's condition made it impossible for her to travel.
What makes this holiday joyful is that the family will all gather in Banjarmasin.

Ternyata ada tulang yang retak.

Saat ibu saya masuk UGD kemarin, dilakukan ronsen pada bagian paha dan tidak ada gangguan pada tulang.
Tapi tadi pagi dilakukan ronsen lagi di bagian pinggang, hasil ronsen ternyata ditemukan retakan ditulang pinggul dan harus dilakukan operasi.

Kaki ibu saya juga ternyata panjang sebelah yang kemungkinan akibat kecelakaan yang sudah lama terjadi.

Semoga operasi nanti berjalan lancar dan Ibu saya bisa kembali beraktivitas seperti semula.

Padahal rencananya hari raya Idhul Fitri akan pergi ke Jakarta, berhari raya di tempat adik laki laki saya, dan akhirnya dibatalkan karena kondisi ibu yang tidak memungkinkan untuk beliau berpergian.
Yang menggembirakan hati raya ini keluarga akan berkumpul semua di Banjarmasin.


She will be in my thoughts so that she can have a successful operation and a speedy recovery. From what I know, it's important that she start getting back up on her feet (and doing exercise) the same day that her operation takes place, as this helps substantially with recovery, but only if done safely and under supervision of a professional.