Your response determines who you are

in Freewriters11 months ago

Your response determines who you are

In the Koran, Allah states that most people, when they are given extensive sustenance, power and convenience in their lives, they consider that God has glorified them.
On the other hand, when they are hit by difficulties, lack of sustenance, poverty, they feel that God has humiliated them.

But in fact, all human conditions have been outlined beforehand, these conditions are intended to show who will best respond to their conditions.
People who are given advantages and conveniences are expected to be grateful and increase their piety.
Likewise, people who are given difficulties can be patient and only put their hope in God.
However, most people become ungrateful and ignore God.


Respon mu yang menentukan siapa kamu

Dalam Al Quran, Allah menyebutkan, bahwa kebanyakan manusia saat ia diberikan keluasan rezeki, kekuasaan dan kemudahan dalam hidupnya, mereka menganggapnya Tuhan telah memuliakan nya.
Sebaliknya saat dia ditimpa kesulitan, kesempitan rezeki, kemiskinan, maka mereka merasa Tuhan telah menghinakan mereka.
Namun sesungguhnya, semua keadaan manusia sudah digariskan sebelumnya, keadaan tersebut dimaksudkan agar terlihat siapa yang paling baik merespon kondisinya.
Orang yang diberikan kelebihan dan kemudahan diharapkan bisa bersyukur dan bertambah ketakwaannya.
Demikian juga orang yang diberikan kesulitan bisa bersabar dan hanya menaruh harapan pada Tuhan.
Namun kebanyakan kondisi manusia menjadi tidak bersyukur, dan mengabaikan Tuhan.


Connection with Allah is the real essence of this life and hereafter