
I don't think this effortless spam should be rewarded.

Also, per the legal notices on the site, images from cannot be used for commercial purposes, which includes monetized blogs.

Thank you for posting this out. This user has a long list of abuse, but that stops now. I'm not going to tolerate it anymore.

But what stops you from saying this dear.

Okay thanks for this I've taken note

Good but this is a contest with rules. And not effortless , read the guidelines they gave in the contest @erikah. You are supposed to write a story of just 240 characters, at you trying to tell me that you also downvoted others who did same contest? It's not fair now.

I couldn't care less about her contest or its rules. This is wortless. You've done enough to fraud Hive with identity theft, impersonating others, plagirism, and spam. This stops now.

But please also downvote others who participated in same contest in @freewriter community.

Did you say I plagiarized? Please post the content I plagiarized so we work with evidence. I don't get what you are saying. I know you would say those accounts have been silenced but I want you to run an IP address check on those accounts to see if acess was coming from same device.

Now does it mean all the post I've made will be downvoted because it seems you've ressurected again and I just want to plead with you anywhere I got it wrong on hive correct me instead of downvoting what you didn't contribute for, you are kind of intruding into my private and I really hate it when something of such is done.
