in Freewriters4 years ago




Calle arriba calle abajo los chicos Edwin y Camila caminan iluminando el camino con las lámparas de los celulares. Buscaban a la persona que tocaba la guitarra. Se trataba de Yonathan el fortachón. Lo de fortachón no era por los músculos, sino por todo lo contrario, pero era más por sus habilidades tocando guitarra. Debían terminar la composición de un tema musical el cual ya tenía letra. Era un proyecto basado en un concurso de la localidad que podría darle a Camila una oportunidad para grabar una pista.
Las noches sin luz se habían repetido por varios días. El problema de la falla en la estación central de la hidroeléctrica, había dejado a parte del país a oscuras. Todas las calles de la urbanización estaban a oscuras. Pero entrada la madrugada una luna llena se asomó al salir de entre las nubes. Muy a pesar, que Edwin no quería salir Camila insistía, ofreciéndole una noche de sexo con remedos de sus acciones de lujuria. Lo acariciaba y lo besaba con el afán de que no dejaran de ir esa noche. En verdad, todo se trataba de un juego, bromas de persuasión, bromas para levantar el ánimo, ya que pensaban que no lo encontrarían de buena onda, por la hora y por las circunstancias del apagón. De todas formas se dieron un beso sellando el pacto, y salieron a buscar al guitarrista Yonathan para que le agregara la música a la letra.
Al caminar por las calles se oían los grillos. Algunas personas sentadas en los porches, oían música a través de una radio de pilas a la luz de una vela o en su defecto, por un mechero de kerosene. Al doblar una esquina oscura como todas las otra, vimos a lo lejas la casa de Yonathan. Estaba en la calle enfrente de su casa iluminado por la luna, charlando con sus amigos de la cuadra. Llegamos y lo saludamos, pero sus gestos de indisposición lo delataron. Tal cual lo había presagiado Edwin. Camila y Edwin se miraron sonrieron y continuaron como si no hubiesen notado nada. Los amigos de Yonathan interrumpieron ofreciendo cigarrillos. La conversación llena de chismes desapareció el desgano de Yonathan. Y tan pronto contaron las anécdotas del apagón, Yonathan fue a buscar la guitarra sin decir ninguna palabra.
La voz de Camila no entonaba los acordes iniciales proporcionados por la guitarra. La letra original seleccionada con anterioridad no rimaba. Los acordes no daban calidad de música. Yonathan arrima la vela e hizo unas anotaciones musicales y volvieron a intentar. La luna llena iluminaba todo el valle, le daba un toque melancólico a la noche. Yonathan cabio de guitarra y volvió a afinar. Había algo que le preocupaba a Camila, no le gustaba algo de la letra de la canción, la leía y volvía a leer y no le encontraba poesía a la letra, los coros no rimaban. La letra era un acertado desastre. Edwin había conseguido esta letra de otro compositor de la capital amigo de su primo. Camila pensó que tal vez se habían confundido o se enredaron con el archivo y enviaron otra letra por celular.
Se oyeron disparos en las otras calles. Esto se sumaba a la consternación de no saber de noticias sobre el incidente eléctrico, a vez también desespero por saber de las acciones de reparación del ente gubernamental. Llegaban personas con noticias extraoficiales, que las reparaciones podrían tardar semanas o meses. Camila le mostro una cara llena de terror a Edwin, pero este le dijo que no se preocupara que esto lo iban a reparar rápido. Esto le habían dicho sus amigos de la capital.
En pocos minutos se reunieron más amigo y vecinos de Yonathan para oír el ensayo. Pero la canción no entonaba, las cosas no encajaban, descansaron un poco y tomaron unas copitas de licor seco. Un jerez anejado que pertenecía a su padre, regalado por un canario amigo de su padre.
Edwin dijo a manera de chiste que al parecer no había musa en la oscuridad. Las personas se impacientaban, para retirarse más tarde desencantados. Yonathan comenzó a tocar y cantar canciones inéditas compuestas por él. El ambiente se matizó de buena energía. Edwin y Camila hicieron coros.
Entonces se animaron, las copas tal vez ayudaron en algo, la musa renovó sus ímpetus empezando a salir ideas interesantes. Camila arrugo el papel con la letra de la canción que trajo, rescribió otra y se la dio a Yonathan en cuestión de minutos. Yonathan logro otros acordes. La noche se hizo corta y por fin la musa retorno en medio de la oscuridad de la noche apagada. Edwin dijo que rectificaba lo que había dicho al comienzo, si existe musa en las noches oscuras.


Up and down the street the boys Edwin and Camila walk, illuminating the road with the lamps of their cell phones. They were looking for the person playing the guitar. It was Yonathan the big guy. The "big guy" was not because of his muscles, but because of his guitar playing skills. They had to finish the composition of a song which already had lyrics. It was a project based on a local contest that could give Camila a chance to record a track.
The nights without electricity had been repeated for several days. The problem of the failure in the central hydroelectric station had left part of the country in darkness. All the streets of the urbanization were in darkness. But in the early morning a full moon peeked out of the clouds. Even though Edwin didn't want to go out, Camila insisted, offering him a night of sex with mimics of her lustful actions. She caressed and kissed him in an effort to keep them going that night. In truth, it was all a game, jokes of persuasion, jokes to raise their spirits, since they thought they would not find it in a good mood, because of the time and the circumstances of the blackout. Anyway they gave each other a kiss sealing the pact, and went out to look for the guitarist Yonathan to add the music to the lyrics.
As they walked through the streets they could hear the crickets. Some people sat on porches, listening to music through a battery-operated radio by candlelight or, failing that, a kerosene lighter. As we turned a dark corner like all the others, we saw Yonathan's house in the distance. He was on the street in front of his moonlit house, chatting with his friends on the block. We arrived and greeted him, but his gestures of indisposition gave him away. Just as Edwin had predicted. Camila and Edwin looked at each other smiled and continued as if they hadn't noticed anything. Yonathan's friends interrupted by offering cigarettes. The gossip-filled conversation washed away Yonathan's reluctance. And as soon as the blackout anecdotes were told, Yonathan went to get the guitar without saying a word.
Camila's voice did not sing the initial chords provided by the guitar. The original lyrics selected beforehand did not rhyme. The chords did not give the quality of music. Yonathan held the candle and made some musical notes and they tried again. The full moon illuminated the whole valley, giving a melancholic touch to the night. Yonathan put on his guitar and tuned up again. There was something bothering Camila, she didn't like some of the lyrics of the song, she read it and read it again and couldn't find any poetry in the lyrics, the chorus didn't rhyme. The lyrics were a right mess. Edwin had gotten these lyrics from another songwriter in the capital who was a friend of his cousin. Camila thought maybe they had gotten confused or messed up with the file and sent another lyric by cell phone.
Gunshots were heard in the other streets. This added to the consternation of not knowing any news about the electrical incident, as well as desperation to know about the governmental entity's repair actions. People were arriving with unofficial news that repairs could take weeks or months. Camila showed a face full of terror to Edwin, but he told her not to worry that this would be repaired quickly. This was what her friends in the capital had told her.
In a few minutes more of Yonathan's friends and neighbors gathered to hear the rehearsal. But the song was not in tune, things did not fit, they rested a little and had a few glasses of dry liquor. An old sherry that belonged to his father, a gift from a canary friend of his father.
Edwin joked that apparently there was no muse in the dark. People grew impatient, only to leave later in disenchantment. Yonathan began to play and sing unpublished songs composed by him. The atmosphere was tinged with good energy. Edwin and Camila did backing vocals.
Then they cheered up, the drinks may have helped a little, the muse renewed her impetus and interesting ideas began to come out. Camila crumpled the paper with the lyrics of the song she brought, rewrote another one and gave it to Yonathan in a matter of minutes. Yonathan came up with other chords. The night was short and finally the muse returned amidst the darkness of the dull night. Edwin said he was rectifying what he had said at the beginning, yes there is a muse in the dark nights.

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