One time, I had friend stationed in Korea who caught a fever close the end of his tour. It wasn't when his tour was up. Otherwise he would have had to stay in Korea for the rest of live. He was 21 and very close to death. We all went into his room in the hospital to say good bye.
I gave him these herbs:
polygum multiflorum Fo ti tieng, the gates of heaven
panax ginseng
hydroxotle asiatic minor, gotu kola.
Instead of dying, he recovered.
I have given you the latin names so you can buy them. As far drugs go, these herbs are very inexpensive. The are all diuretics - You have to drink water and you pee a lot.
Well my friend looked like he was 80 years old.
Instead of death, he healed up. I believe he must still undergo dialysis but not as much and he is still alive after more than 25 years. I hope it works for you and I will say a prayer for you.
I can't pee anymore, I am not producing urine anymore @jeff-kubitz but I'll consider your recommendations Thank you.
I don't think my friend could pee too. After taking these herbs, he was able to again. His ankles were 9 inches across, 25 centimeters and they shrunk back to normal size in a month. His turned back solid gray to brown at about 2 months