I've never been immersed in a writeup as much as this. Your words pierce deep into you readers hearts, and you make us see into your mind not just telling us. I'm really happy to have read this.
And yes, I most times get carried away with a particular character and I'm so drawn that I genuinely feel sad when it comes to an end.
Cause you said '16 episodes' I'm guessing it's K-drama. I'm happy you love them as much as I do.
Thank you for such a lovely comment.
And you are right!! It is a K-Drama! I've never been so obsessed with one in my life, and I can't still get out of it. It's called Beyond Evil, if you wanted to know. And if you haven’t watched it, I urge you to give it a try because it was just fabulous!
I would most definitely do that. Thanks for the recommendation, especially since I've just seen that the male lead is one of my favourite male actors.🥰