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RE: The Season of Advent and Christmas – #2

in Freewriterslast year

Just curious about a few things, as you seem on fire for your faith. Was hoping you could explain something to me:

Most Holy Mary, the purest and holiest of women who ever existed, and after whom no other will exist like her, is the Mother. The milk that Jesus drank is the milk of an Immaculate Mother, of a Mother who was not touched by sin. The hands that held that Most Holy Son are the pure hands of a Mother who was not touched by sin.

Doesn't this go against Romans 3:23? I'm fascinated by this approach to Mary. Where's the scripture that talks about her being holy?


Peace be with you. It's good to learn to read in context. When saying "all have sinned," obviously, Paul did not refer to Mary, but to everyone to whom he wrote his letter or humanity in general. When the Angel Gabriel says that she, Mary, is full of grace, it means that she is totally without sin. Although instituted late, the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is believed and attested from the beginning by the tradition of the Catholic Church by the apostolic fathers (those who learned directly from the 12 apostles). There is also the apocryphal gospel of Thiago, which, although not canonical, brings much other information about Mary's life that testifies to her perfection in holiness. Anyone who says otherwise is committing a grave sin and is subject to condemnation. God bless you.

Thanks for answering my question, appreciate it. Sometimes being a protestant, I have big questions when it comes to the catholic church. Appreciate you responding:

A few more from your reply:

  • Where does Gabriel say Mary is full of grace in scripture?

  • And doesn't all mean, all have sinned? Mary is a human being, no? And the only one that lived the sinless life was Jesus?

Hi @jonsjourney. Peace and Good. I wrote a post especially to answer this question, I hope you like it:

God bless you.

Appreciate that very much, thank you!