Estimados amigos y seguidores, la imagen que nos comparte @freewritehouse es todo un espectáculo visual. Me agrada inmensamente escribir sobre ella. Es todo un poema.
Un poema cromático
La aurora, con sus galas lila, oro y rosa;
se eleva, firmamento arriba,
empujada por la bruma producto del viento
que riza y hace saltar las olas
y rocía de grises sus lilas, sus rosas.
Es el mismo viento que haciendo saltar las olas
en indecibles años ha taladrado la roca,
hoy marco labrado del poema cromático,
que subyuga, que enamora.
Portal y parte, las rocas reciben el salado rocío,
del mar que las lame, pule, salpica y decora,
ancladas en la arena empedrada
ellas forman parte del concierto
que realizan las olas,
cuando las impulsan unas sobre otras
o dejan caer el agua que ha bañado sus aristas
sobre la otra,
formando una bruma blanca
que desde la distancia destaca
mar, bruma y rocas.
Imagen del concurso/Image of the contest
Dear friends and followers, the image shared by @freewritehouse is quite a visual spectacle. I really enjoy writing about her. It's all a poem.
A chromatic poem
The dawn, with its lilac, gold and pink finery;
rises, firmament above,
pushed by the mist produced by the wind
that curls and makes the waves jump
and spray her lilacs with gray, her roses.
It's the same wind that makes the waves jump
in untold years he has pierced the rock,
Today carved frame of the chromatic poem,
that subjugates, that falls in love.
Portal and part, the rocks receive the salty dew,
of the sea that licks, polishes, splashes and decorates them,
anchored in the cobbled sand
they are part of the concert
that make the waves,
when pushed over each other
or they drop the water that has bathed their edges
on the other,
forming a white mist
that stands out from a distance
sea, mist and rocks.
○Los separadores de texto son míos. Utilicé el Traductor de Google. Invito a @felixgarciap @sacra97 y a @mllg a sumarse a este ejercicio.
Text separators are mine. ○I used Google Translate ○I invite @felixgarciap and @mllg to join this exercise
The rocks received a salty dew indeed, nature never ceases to amaze me
Thanks for read me! @pearlie
You're most welcome..... my pleasure
Lots of love
I love the way you describe the scenery especially this one
Thank you for joining pic1000 👍
You are welcome!