You're so welcome @kemmyb. And I appreciate you participating in this exercise. I'm immensely grateful for the response, including yours, to give me alternate ideas from the direction I was headed. I wanted to explore other options in keeping with the end of all things as we know it going about our everyday lives while operating in a vacuum. Surprises of that magnitude are life changing in an instant.
I love the prophesy/warning from the vagrant. It'll take me a while to compile and infuse all the wonderful ideas into a final form. I was actually thinking of redoing the entire series, adding other information that spun off of the participants' insights. We'll see.
As "extras" for participation, I sent each of you some HSBI and added you as a beneficiary of this post and will do so on the final as a contributor.
I love working with others and sharing ideas. Thanks so much; take care, and have a good start to your week.
I enjoyed participating and so glad my story resonated with you especially the prophecy part. That was the Xi signal that Pope ordered Harkeem to send, a forewarning of what was to come. The Sigma part sets the time backwards. I know, our imaginations can be interesting sometimes when it comes to writing fiction. 😄
Thanks again, I appreciate the extra prizes. You're so kind. Wishing you a relaxing Sunday. Take care.