Ah, Jhymi, my little big, beautiful genius! This is beautiful, my love. Okay, so I read the story twice - or rather, halfway through, and then I had to start again, slowly reading each word out loud. I love words, Jhymi. I adore it when people creatively use language. And you, my dear, are skilled at grasping words by the scruff of their necks and catapulting them into next week. You're a genius!
So, I pictured Death as Lucifer from the TV series, Lucifer. I don’t know why Lucifer's image sprang to mind, given your story clearly describes Death as having "charcoal-dark skin." Nonetheless, I pictured the smile... everything in this story, Jhymi. Today is another day to remind you that you are soooo talented. Well done, cat.
I have submitted my chapter 1. I’m a bit free now. I’ve missed you and Deraa so much.