The chillies of the stairwell

in Freewriters2 months ago

My winter chillies are doing good, as they are placed in this elevated space in the stairwell, on a construction created by my crafty wife, where they can look out into the cold bright winter morning, where they would definitely die were they exposed to it, still thinking, by my clever deceit, that they are somewhere in the highlands of Venezuela, and that the sun that nourish them holds the magic of the Southern Cross, and is not just the northern hemisphere's cold eye of burning hydrogen.



There's a lack of daylight in the north at this time of year, so getting anything to grow is an achievement. We just have various houseplants. People keep giving my other half orchids and I have to keep them alive.

Ha, that is funny. I can see you frantically keeping a whole population of orchids alive. Good thing for the orchids!

We've got a few, but I just water them every couple of weeks. Not too much work and they do flower now and then. All fairly dormant for now.

They sure look healthy.

Yes, this year I got it right. They are cold enough in the stairs, and they still manage even though there's so little sunlight. Last year I had to nurse them more, and the year before that only one survived with one leaf full of aphids. Its the one at the left.

It's good that you didn't lose hope and tried every year.