Who is this Brazilian that moves the world with her hips?
She is a fire when you see her pass by,
with the way she dresses she sets more than one poor soul on fire.
She has made me sin in many ways,
My God forgive me!
But you have created an angel here on earth,
and you have placed him in front of me and my flesh is weak.
Come, my brunette, embrace me or give me a kiss on my heart,
I know that if your lips touch me the wounds
of my soul will go away with your kiss.
¿Quién es esa brasileña que mueve al mundo con sus caderas?
Ella es un incendio la ves pasar,
con su manera de vestir enciende a mas de una pobre alma.
Me ha hecho pecar de diversas formas,
¡Dios mio perdóname!
Pero has creado un angel aquí en la tierra,
y lo has puesto frente de mí y mi carne es débil.
Ven morena abrazame o dame un beso en el corazón,
se que si me rosan tus labios las heridas
de mi alma se irán con tu beso.
Wonderful rhythm for this tribute to the woman with restless hips, enough to inspire these lyrics, thank you for sharing them.
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