lazar01 cross-posted this post in Freewriters 2 years ago

Ljubav prema putovanjima i kako je to sve počelo 🛣️ The love of travel and how it all began 🛣️

in BANAT2 years ago

Još od malena sam bio neko ko voli da se vozi, da putuje, s ozbirom na to da sam putovao svakog vikenda za Zlot i da sam često menjao mesto stanovanja pa makar to bilo i na 5 dana. 🚙 U početku sam uglavnom putovao autobusom, što mi i nije bilo toliko zanimljivo, bar ne u početku. 🚌 Nakon nekog vremena sam prosto počeo da volim taj neki ubrzani život, život na točkovima, taj neki tempo življenja života, gde je sve brzo i stalno sam u pokretu. 🚚

Ever since I was a child, I have been someone who likes to drive, to travel, considering that I traveled every weekend to Zlot and that I often changed my place of residence, even if it was only for 5 days. 🚙 In the beginning, I mostly traveled by bus, which was not that interesting to me, at least not at first. 🚌 After a while, I just started to love that kind of accelerated life, life on wheels, that kind of pace of living life, where everything is fast and I'm constantly on the move. 🚚


Ljubav prema prevoznim sredstvima konkretno motorima i automobilima imam još od malena. 🚗 Oduvek sam kao mali u kolima okretao volan i zamišljao da vozim. Uglavnom kao i većina dečaka igrao sam se sa autićima kao mali igrao igrice sa automobilima na telefonu i tako se i stvorila ta ljubav. 🚦

I have had a love for means of transport, specifically motorcycles and cars, since I was a child. 🚗 As a child, I always turned the steering wheel in the car and imagined that I was driving. Mostly, like most boys, I played with cars as a child, playing car games on my phone and that's how this love was born. 🚦


Sa 17 godina sam položio za auto i od tada je da kažemo počela ta priča i interesovanje baš za automobile. 🚗 Ubrzo nakon toga sam položio i za motor, samo što na žalost i dalje nemam motor ali biće ga jednog dana. 🏍️ A prošle godine sam položio i za kamion, same ove činjenice govore o tome koliko volim da vozim i da sam jako lud za tim. 🚛

At the age of 17, I applied for a car and from then on, so to speak, the story and interest in cars began. 🚗 Soon after that, I also applied for a motorcycle, but unfortunately I still don't have a motorcycle, but I will one day. 🏍️ And last year I also passed for a truck, these facts alone show how much I love to drive and that I am very crazy about it. 🚛


Šta god da u životu volite, težište ka ciljevima i budite uporni, od malena sam imao želju za tim da vozim i da to bude moj posao, valjda ce mi se želja ostvariti, samo budite uporni. 💪

Whatever you love in life, aim for your goals and be persistent, since I was little I had a desire to drive and make it my job, I guess my wish will come true, just be persistent. 💪

Pozdrav od Lazara

Greeting from Lazar