Hi Readers
I got to have a long weekend to relax and do what I wanted. This included a lot of writing and developing Bolx's timeline, something I have been enjoying. I even had time to game a little. It was great! I aim to write a few pages a day to get the story rolling.
Today we get to meet Siar, one of the triplets born with Bolx. She is the oldest of the three and this may be a painful update for some as it deals with death and loss. If you're adverse to that, skip this update or have the tissues ready.
If you are unsure about how the Royal Guard and their children work, it's a good idea to read to read Royal Guard to remind yourself.
Siar was holding her tiny daughter to her chest. This was the first time she had been able to hold her since the pregnancy had been announced. She had not been able to see any of the developing scans nor had she been present for the birth and at first being handed a screaming child was overwhelming but now that the child had calmed down, she felt the connection that Saasha had told her would happen. As Siar had been selected to do planetary service with the Royal Guard she had opted for surrogacy instead of taking a two-year leave of absence, which was now granted to all females of the Guard and any males who wished to remain with partners throughout the pregnancy. This had allowed for morale to be boosted in the Guard and had been an outstanding move by Saasha early into her rulership.
The little girl had been born with patchy white and black hair with a golden tail speckled with white. She was one of the first children not to be born with two blue eyes but rather one blue and the other green. Like her father had had. Siar grinned as she thought of the man that had been the one to help with the creation of this child. He would have been with Siar in their training if he had not been diagnosed with a rare bone disease that had claimed his life a year ago. He had bowed out of the Guard gracefully before planetary service but had taken his soldier’s name. Something that would now be engraved on his headrest.
Siar had had the pick of anyone who she had wanted to have a child with. She had inherited her mother’s build with dark hair and deep blue eyes. She was strong and closely followed in her older sister’s footsteps as she made her way through the Academy. She hadn’t even been particularly close to Seanar but when she had heard about his disease and that he was leaving to die she could not let him do that. Though not close she had watched him as they had grown up together. He was smart, too smart to just be a soldier, and he had a knack for leadership that put most people to shame. She had also noticed how he broke more bones than others that trained and knew something was wrong when he had been pulled from his training. Once it became common knowledge that it had been his disease that caused him to decline the invitation to the Royal Guard she had gone after him as he had headed home.
“Let’s make a kid.” She had said, having inherited most of her mother’s tact.
“Excuse me?” Seanar hadn’t been bashful about the request but was startled that she had made the request.
“The Guard likes to preserve lines. You are going to die, so why not?”
He laughed, shook his head, and said. “You realise that this is a genetic disease. A freak mutation happened and now my body is busy destroying my bones. Why would I want to carry that legacy onto a child?”
“Because with modern technology the damaged genetics can be weeded out and a healthy child can be born.”
“You could literally walk into any place and ask any man to contribute to your Guard baby, but you chase after the one dying. Why?”
“Because your body may die but your legacy will continue. I have not tied myself down to anyone which allows me to be free to decide who will be either my mate or the male contributor to my Guard child, as you put it. You would have gone far in the Guard but life dealt you a shit hand. You can either take me up on my offer or walk away.”
Seanar had stood there in the street, not walking away nor looking at her but rather at the heavens. He had clearly made up his mind early on after receiving the news that he would not be living long and that he would never bother with a child but now he had been presented with an opportunity.
“Children.” He said after a few minutes.
“How many?” she asked of him.
“Two and,” he paused for effect. “The second one I’d like you to carry when you are ready.”
She had laughed in his face. “You think I plan to carry a child? I plan to become General of the Guard, there is no time for me to carry a child if I do that.”
“Your sister did, and you seem very competitive with her.”
She laughed and then added. “Fine but there may be a large age gap between the children. Do you have a gender preference?”
“Healthy.” His brown and green eyes twinkled with mirth. “Nothing else is important.”
Six months later she had gone to training and he remained with the surrogate getting to experience what it was like to be a father before he eventually succumbed to his disease. He was able to be there for the birth, he was able to hold their daughter and be with her for four months before he became too sick to look after her. Siar had been told it was of the happiest moments of his life despite the agony he went through with his bones disintegrating.
“Nice to finally meet you, Seana.” She whispered. “Your daddy was right. You have the most beautiful eyes. You look so much like him.”
She set her forehead to her daughter’s and allowed her emotions to flow over the child. She had grown attached to Seanar over the last two years and now that she was home, and he was not here to greet her with their daughter crushed her heart. She had hoped that by not joining with someone she would spare herself the pain that her sister had gone through, but this was far worse because she never had the chance to say goodbye. The baby grabbed her head and licked her forehead before dissolving into giggles.
“Yeah, that.” Laughed Siar.
“Are you pleased, Daughter?” asked Silens.
“I am. She is beautiful.” Siar handed the child to her mother. “And as much as I want to bond over your grandchild there are more pressing matters that need to be attended to.”
Silens held the child as Siar changed from her Guard clothing to something more comfortable. She wanted to meet the man that had arrived from another time that wore her brother’s face. The last two years had been nothing but heartbreak for her and even when presented with her daughter the pain was still there. She had not had a chance to say goodbye to Seanar or Bolx and his family.
“The snows come early.” Said Silens behind her.
“Aye Mother, they do.” She pulled a short shirt over her frame before wrapping her tail tightly around her waist. “What is he like?”
“He is sad most of the time. He has no family, but the love of his life is here, yet from this time she does not know him.”
“The energy girl? We have heard of her. Karesh’s weapon.”
“I wouldn’t mind getting to know her too.”
“You two will like each other.” Silens happily hugged the child that suddenly threw her arms around her neck.
“What do you think of the one that wears my brother’s face?”
“My heart is too heavy to see him.”
“You are yet to meet?”
“He is yet to seek me out.”
“He was always the most emotional out of us three. Bah, I have stalled enough. I need to report to Saasha with Seana and then I need to talk to Bolx and then I think I would like to see this girl for myself.”
“Do you go with anger in your heart?”
“No mother. Sadness. Seanar and Bolx’s family is dead. Now Bolx is back but people still lie in cold graves. Why him?”
“I do not think he will be able to give you a satisfactory answer.”
Silens handed the child back to Siar and allowed the young woman to leave the room before her. “Will you stay at the castle or join your father and me?”
“It depends where I am needed most.”
As soon as they were walking towards the throne room, she noticed the large figure walking before her. The white spot at the end of the tail was a dead giveaway. It was Bolx. She grinned and yelled. “Hey! Pebble!”
The man stiffened for a second, then turned with a grin on his face. He was exactly as she had remembered him. He didn’t just wear her brother’s face. This was her brother. Her heart soared at seeing his smile and blue eyes. Child in hand, she ran to him and collided with his broad chest. He was the only one of her brothers she would do this to. Bolx closed his arms around her and whispered. “You do know who I am?”
“I do.” She whispered as emotions she had held onto for years finally got the better of her. “You are my brother.”
“The snows come early.” For those of you interested in this phrasing; it's Silens' way of expressing sadness. She's an odd one who likes to make up her own phrases. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the update, and I will see all of you on Friday for a larger update!
For those of you just joining us, please note that this the third book in the Fell Dragon series. Follow this link to read the two earlier books:
Fell Dragon Book 1
Fell Dragon Book 2
Start of Book 3 here
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
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@weone, @merenludick, @clairemobey, @therneau, @blitzzzz, @pravesho, @joetunex, @captainquack22, @irisworld, @braaiboy, @sketchygamerguy, @fuego-oscuro, @felt.buzz, @dibblers.dabs, @beeber, @brittandjosie, @tamacvet, @alonicus, @joetunex, @zakludick , @thinkrdotexe , @pixelhuntersam
Haven't read the other parts yet? Follow these handy links:
Part 24>>You are Here>>Part 26
Siar.... my poor heart!
I'm so terrible to my characters.