Fiction - Mortis Custos Part 79

in Freewriters2 years ago

Hi all!

This week just seems to get longer and longer and longer. While I'm thrilled some of my friends are coming to see me (literally the only ones to make an effort in the 7 years since I moved), I am tired of this year and wish my annoying project was finished.

Not much else to tell about his week. My mom is here and I showed her Ecency and it looks like she may want to give it a try. She's a microbiologist and wants to show off her knowledge. I guess wew'll need to teach her.

Anyway, enough about me, please enjoy the next part of Mortis Custos, and keep a box of tissues close by, you're going to need it! Remember that this is a continuation of Part 78
Lucien dodged between the different men and creatures to get to Mary. He needed to tell her that the castle was at siege by other forces. Forces he was yet to determine would undermine what they were trying to do. by @zakludick so be sure to read that before turning to this!

The roar had echoed, and he knew he didn’t have much time. Ignoring the humans around him, he leapt onto the walls and scurried along them until he managed to reach the battlement where Mary stood. An archer close by lost his nerve and nearly shot the life drinker, but he was quick enough to dodge out of the way and issue a growl.

“Did you forget we are on your side?”

The archer tried to stammer an apology, but Mary cut him off.

“Lucien, where are my children?”

“Right now, it isn’t your children you need to be worried about, Your Majesty. We are infested.”

“I already had knights sent to deal with the priests.”

“But they weren’t the only ones sent.”

Mary stared at him in confusion, not sure what to say to him. Lucien then growled, “We have Blaze Knights.”

All of the life drinkers who were on the battlement hissed as one and turned to look for the potential threat. The Queen didn’t seem to realise the danger they were in with having those knights roaming the castle. Lucien couldn’t even tell her exactly how many there were, but he could tell her why they were here.

“They root out darkness. Darian must have had ties with what they believe are the Dark One.”

The large man with the axes turned suddenly and shushed the life drinker, “To name him is to draw his attention!”

“A little late for that.” Lucien pointed to the horde of undead before them, “If that is the Dark One, who do you think summoned the Blaze Knights?”

Millmor hissed an expletive under his breath before he turned to Derric, “Go find the twins, protect them.”

Derric looked like he wanted to argue but stopped when he saw how sombre Millmor looked. Without a further word, Derric morphed into a wolf-like creature and bound back toward the castle.”

“Hold on.” Said Lucien slowly as he looked around, “Where is Adiran?”
The undead thing looked over to Adrian and he felt all colour leave his face. Everything in his body told him to run, but his feet were cemented to the ground. All he could see was the undead that has swarmed the castle when his father died.

“The boy doesn’t recognise me.” Said the revenant as he returned the hug to Magna.

“He’s basically been comatose for…it feels like years.” Finished Maga as she had forgotten how long ago their adventure had started.

Mortis got to his feet and with one finger traced his chin, “I used your blood to kill the Dread thing. Remember?”

Adrian did remember the dark knight that had used his blood, but he had had no idea that it was this thing that stood before him now. Magna ran up to him and shook him a little, “Are you okay?”

While the younger twins spoke, Mortis turned to his fading sister. He tried to smile at her, because he was sure that she must have figured out the truth by now. Yet, his face was as desiccated when he first rose from his coffin. He was back in his right place, but his sister wasn’t.

He looked to the shabby shield that lay within his coffin and knew what he had to do to release her back to her realm. Yet, somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He wanted to talk to her, tell her everything about what had happened after she had died.

As he opened his mouth Ostia placed a finger to her lips before gliding to the stone coffin to retrieve the shield. She held it up before her and said, “You know what you have to do.”

“I can’t.” he whispered. “Not again.”

Ostia smiled softly, “You spared my son, ensured him the throne, and allowed his line to replace yours. Everything our parents did, you undid with your actions. I had had no idea. My hatred for you was misplaced. I owe you everything.”

“I can’t do it Magna.” He begged. “I can’t do it again. It hurt too much the last time.”

“Where is he buried? I found my shield, but I did not find him. Where is my son?”

Mortis sighed and pointed to wall section, “He lies with you there.”

“You witnessed this?”

“I witnessed all who have been placed here. I had you brought back under darkness to ensure you would be in the family vault with the rest of us. I couldn’t give you a stone coffin, but I could give you a place amongst us. As for your son, he eventually figured out the truth. Demanded to be buried with you, while your shield was entombed in his coffin.”

Ostia looked to where the younger twins were hugging. She was sure the boy was crying, whether from relief or terror, she wasn’t sure, but his sister was comforting him as best she could.

“Without this shield we would not have been able to bring you back.”

“Without their blood I would have been lost, yes.”

“Set me free brother.” Begged Ostia as she held the shield out before him. “Even as we talk, I fade, and I cannot risk leaving my realm unprotected.”

Mortis reached within the coffin to retrieve the blade within it. He was bound to it, as much as he was bound to this place. This was the weapon that had ended his sister’s life, and he would have to use it once more to send her on her way. He remembered the night so vividly. He had to do what was right for his people, but he had hated himself for it. His sister’s blood would always be on his hands, and he was sure the act had deepened the curse which held them all in place.

Ostia stepped forward and lay a hand on his and whispered, “I forgive you.”

Those three words caused tears to spring to his eyes. Actual tears that then rolled down his face. He had long thought that it wasn’t possible. He nodded his head just once, turned with a raised sword, and brought it down to cleave the shabby shield in two, breaking the magic that had kept Ostia in this realm. The spirit sighed once, smiled, and disappeared from the room.

Here is an explanation of Chain Stories and here is the current Chainstory Library

Mortis Custos Parts

The Reader List

If you would like to be tagged in every episode of Mortis Custos, leave us a comment and get added in, miss nothing!
Right now I will add people who have been keeping an eye on this series:
@weone, @merenludick, @clairemobey, @therneau, @blitzzzz, @pravesho, @joetunex, @captainquack22, @irisworld, @braaiboy, @sketchygamerguy, @fuego-oscuro,, @dibblers.dabs, @beeber, @brittandjosie, @tamacvet, @thinkrdotexe, @alonicus, @joetunex, @stdd, @uop, @luizeba, @cryptoniusrex, @agreste, @itzchemaya, @darthsauron


Hi please skip my name thanks

I've taken you off the list. Thanks for joining the ride up to this point.

Darn, I really liked Ostia. I hope she finds peace, and maybe we get to see her again in the future.

She's not dead dead. She's been sent back to the realm of the dead. Had she stayed where she was, she would have disappeared. She'll be back.

Awesome and touching! Even in the midst of all this fighting and things going on. I will miss Ostia... until next time we might need her haha.