Fledgling: Part 14

in Freewriters3 months ago

Greetings Readers

As we get closer to Christmas, it gets a little more difficult to organise my thoughts and time. At this time of the year, I have my garden enthusiasts who want books, and in two to three months I have my diet enthusiasts cropping up.

Grateful for the work but it does usually mean I don't get to enjoy the season and I struggle with my own writing.

Anyway, please enjoy today's update.

“She was trying to say something to me, and I said the wrong thing. She won’t speak again for a while.” Saita shook her head and looked at Rubar. “You’ve known Fledge for a while, haven’t you?”

“Most of my life, yeah.”

“Do you know anything about his parents?”

“I told you. He doesn’t like to talk about them. Don’t ask me or him again.” Rubar curled his upper lip.

Saita raised her hands and remained silent. Something Kay said made her feel a little more apprehensive about working with Fledge. She couldn’t help but remember the final fight between her and Kay. Every time she or an extension of her energy touched Saita, it would steal her power. It was terrifying, but back then, Saita was so fuelled with hate, she hadn’t stopped to think. If she had a chance now to face the infamous Fell Dragon, she would take pause.

“There. That time should be perfect!” said Red-Eye.

Rubar extended his hand with his eyes closed.

“Hmm, yes, but I can’t access it from this corridor. We will have to go somewhere else.” Rubar stood up, then extended his jaw upward and howled.

Within a few seconds, Fledge teleported back.

“Right, do we know where we need to go?”

“Yes, but you’re not gonna like it.” Rubar sat down with crossed legs. “We need to go to those corridors.”

“No way.” Said Fledge. “If I am thinking of the same corridors, they aren’t safe. They are still in disrepair after the Fell Dragon before her destroyed an entire timeline only because she was hungry and bored.”

“Is he talking about the timeline from which Brucel came?” Saita asked Red-Eye.
The Wolven shrugged. “I will only know when I see the corridor for myself. It’s been some time since I have been here, and it looks like some corridors have shifted.”

Fledge felt his anxiety worsen, and he took a few minutes to breathe in deeply before slowly releasing his held breath. Saita noticed this and wondered if the anxiety was something the boy had suffered with his whole life, or if it was because of what he was.

“We will need to be careful. Those corridors are full of holes. Slipping into one of them may mean we lose someone.” Stated Fledge.

“Ask the other two to be tagged.” Said Rubar as he got up and stretched.
“Tagged?” asked Red-Eye. “Like wildlife?”

“Not quite.” Rubar grinned. “As Fledge can give energy, he can take some, and break it down into a pattern that he can follow. The number of times he’s had to come fish my fluffy butt out of a corridor hole is…”

“Five times.” Said Fledge swiftly. “I don’t…”

I warned you.

Hearing Kay’s voice made Saita flinch, but she said nothing.

“It’s the only way to track someone if something were to go wrong.” Insisted Rubar.

“Yes, but I don’t…”

Saita put her hand forward. “I trust you to use what you must to keep us safe.”
Fledge looked at her hand. He allowed his eyes to travel up toward the elbow to see the scar where the right arm had been regrown. Or at least that is what his mother had told him had happened. He chastised himself for thinking of her at this time.

“I give you permission.”

“It’s not a permission thing!” snapped Fledge.

“It is a permission thing.” Grinned Rubar.

Upon hearing that, Red-Eye also presented his clawed hand. Fledge looked up at him.

“If Mistress trusts you, I will too.”

Uncomfortable having his talents exposed. Fledge bade Saita and Red-Eye bring their hands closer, so he could lay one hand on both at the same time. He had been chastised for using this power as a child. His mother hated that he could do it. When she caught him using it, he was severely punished. However, he closed his eyes and concentrated. He didn’t need much. Just enough to get a taste of the individuals standing before him.

He allowed the energy to be brought into him, and he immediately started analysing it. It wasn’t hard to memorise these. He only had one other energy pattern stored in his memory, and that was Rubar. However, he couldn’t help but linger on Saita’s, tearing it apart to learn more.

It was then that Red-Eye suddenly pulled his paw back and twisted his head. His ears flicked and twisted before his head moved once more.

What has Red-Eye sensed? I guess you'll have to join me on Friday to figure that out!

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, Book 7 here, and Book 8 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Haven't read the other parts yet? Follow these handy links:
Part 13>>You are Here>>Part 15
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