Fledgling: Part 28

in Freewriterslast month

Greetings readers

It is sweltering here in the Cape today and honestly, it has been difficult to keep my thoughts together. I almost forgot to post today! Luckily I had something prepared for all of you to read!

Saita shook her head and climbed from the water before the stitched injuries pulled open. She dried herself and exited the bathroom to find clothes set aside for her. They were similar to the black formal wear she had often worn in her own castle. The long black woollen pants with the long-sleeved thin black shirt were such a common set of clothing, that many of Saita’s people thought she was constantly in mourning. She wasn’t, not until much later.

Once dressed, she exited the room to find the servant from earlier waiting for her. He bowed and indicated for her to walk next to him. He wasn’t particularly chatty, but Saita didn’t miss the sideways glances at her. She couldn’t help but wonder what kinds of rumours would be flowing today. Then, the servant abruptly stopped and opened a door before bowing.

“Your guest, your majesties.”

Saita turned to find a room that looked nearly identical to the one that she and Bolx would use for breakfast with guests. The large windows faced the east, flooding the room with sunlight. A thin lace curtain was cutting the harshest of the light out and was fluttering slightly, thanks to a breeze.

There was a large rectangular table with several individuals clustered at the furthest end of it. Saita recognised the twins and Kay, but the youngster in the highchair, she didn’t. She assumed this was Kay’s first daughter. She tried to remember Astec’s mother’s name, but it was lost in her memories, so she waited for the child to be introduced to her.

Kay indicated that she could enter, and Saita did just that as the servant closed the door behind her. Saita stepped forward while loosening her hair. She had experience with most young children not reacting well to her scarred visage and wanted to avoid any screaming at the table.

“Trust me, my kid has seen far worse.” Said Kartec as he stood up to greet her with a handshake.

After the handshake was done, he turned her arm and rolled up the sleeve. “Still some of the best work we ever did. The scar is barely noticeable, but then again, it’s been some time.”

Astin then rose from his seat and also greeted her with a firm handshake. The young daughter tried to climb out of her highchair to follow her father and uncle’s example, but it took a look from her mother to keep her seated.

“Saita, this is Elizabeth. Lizzie, on a good day.” Said Kartec.

“That’s right! Our mothers shared the same name.” said Saita with a laugh. “I was rattling my brain trying to remember.”

“Please, sit. We have a lot to talk about.” Said Kay.

The twins sat on either side of Kay, with Kartec sitting next to his daughter, so Saita sat next to Astin. He looked a little uncomfortable but said nothing.

“I swear I won’t bite.” Chuckled Saita.

Astin cleared his throat before muttering under his breath, “Yes you do.”

Saita snorted and chuckled, knowing full well what he was referring to.

“I was telling Astin about your leg and he thinks we can use a very similar technique to what we used with your arm.” Mentioned Kartec.

“Kartec, have you even asked her if this is what she wants?” asked Astin.

“You saw her limp in here. It’s obvious that the prosthetic is painful.”

“I’m sure she can speak for herself.” Said Kay with a grin.

The twins grinned at each other, realising that they had been caught up in their usual tinkering talk.

“Apologies Saita. You threw us for a loop when you reappeared.” Said Astin.

“Not that we don’t mind. We’re happy to help you.” Continued Kartec.

They then looked at her for an answer, and Saita couldn’t help but smile. She longed for a time when she still had friends like this. It had been some time since there was any form of companionship.

That thought made her feel guilty because the Fell Dragon Kay was always with her, but she had shut her out for decades. The fears of when she was a young queen still echoed in her mind, and trusting Kay was too difficult.

“I thank you.” She said with a smile. “But I don’t think I will have the time to have my leg regrown.”

Kartec waved her concern aside. “You don’t know how much time you have with us.”

Saita looked over to Kay with a slight glare, and the queen shrugged her shoulders.

“Nowadays, the growth is accelerated. In addition, the nerve interactions allow for muscle memory to be retained better. You will have nearly full control of the limb, not like the minimal control you had when you woke to find a new arm.” Said Astin. “You may have to spend a day or so getting the leg used to your weight and maybe some fighting, but it will be much better than having to replace the limb every decade.”

“I don’t doubt that.” Said Saita with a smile.

“How’d you lose it anyway?” asked Kartec.


Seems that Fell Dragon Kay no longer wants to remain silent.

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, Book 7 here, and Book 8 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Part 27>>You are Here>>Part 29
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