Hi Readers
Fledgling is really coming along now. I'm looking forward to you all experiencing the growth of the new and old characters.
Saita was terrified. It had been well over a century since she had seen the Fell Dragon face-to-face, but she could feel her heart beating out of her chest. She could do nothing but breathe. Kay swore as she slowly got to her feet, like a young deer. She shook dust off the clothes that looked exactly like Saita was wearing. She spat what seemed like blood from her mouth before she fixed her vision on the old Heavenly before her.
“Shareik, how many times do I need to kill you for you to stay dead.” She growled.
Energy bled from her right forearm to create her claws. Without thinking, Saita put herself between the Heavenly and Dragon. Kay pulled her lips back in a snarl.
“You’re terrified, I can smell it on you, yet you dare stand before me.”
“You don’t have to do this. You already know his fate. What do you think will happen if you kill him now?” Saita surprised herself by finding her voice.
“Well that all depends on where he is in his cycle. It could save us all a lot of problems if I nip his life right here.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Oh, you are a sweet, stupid, naive child. How do you think I was made? How do you think the queen there was made? How do you think you were made?” Dragon Kay stepped forward. “We weren’t born to be this. No, we were made to fit a mould, and the creator of that mould was him.”
Jethron climbed to his feet, marvelling at a living, breathing Fell Dragon standing before him. This wasn’t a Fledgling, this wasn’t a chained beast, but the full embodiment of what his race had been trying to control for millennia. He now understood the warnings of why the cage was needed.
His movement caught the attention of the Fell Dragon, and she grinned at him. “Am I everything you dreamed of? Am I just as monstrous as the first beast you created to wipe life from the universe?”
Jethron paled. He had had no idea that the Fell Dragon would be aware of what came before it. This wasn’t meant to happen. Each was supposed to be a clean slate. How had this one become so sentient?
“Stupid child, your kind were so full of themselves they had no idea what they were meddling in. Sure, set up a controller that keeps the Dragon captive in its cage. Did any of you think what would happen when different controllers were added to the cage? Mind after mind left to rot in a cage with no way out. Stalking across the doorway with no companionship except for other mindless beasts. Then you’re left to wonder why every single time Dragons wanted freedom. Not once did you question anything. Not once. Instead, you made Champions to beat them back and then trapped those very same Champions. The resentment grew between all of us. Thrown into a cage and having minds driven into our own over and over. We couldn’t come out of that unscathed.”
While Kay’s voice was low, it may have been screaming at everyone in the room as ancient secrets were laid bare. This was millennia of pent-up fury and insanity finally surfacing. The anger washed over Saita as she continued to put herself between Dragon Kay and the rest of those in the room.
“I understand.” Came a voice.
Kay looked over the queen and half-grinned. This one had been spared becoming what she was. She hadn’t even reached the Fledgling stage, and it was why Kay had spared her.
“This Kai brought no harm upon you.” She continued. Her voice carried strength which Saita’s didn’t. This queen wasn’t afraid of what she saw before her, unlike the rest of the room.
“Nor is he the one who made you like this.” Said the Queen as she waved to the Heavenly.
Dragon Kay took a deep breath, feeling the air pull into her lungs. There was roaring in her ears, but this time it wasn’t thousands of voices clambering for her attention. It was blood. She was momentarily confused.
“And she is doing her best.” The queen continued as she pointed to Saita. Queen Kay then came to stand next to Saita.
Dragon Kay absorbed the energy back into her body. Her confusion was evident on her face. No one in the room could understand what was going on. Kay was swamped by emotions, emotions she had thought long dead. Anger and nothingness were something she was used to, but now, there were other things she felt that didn’t make sense to her.
“Perhaps, in light of two new guests arriving, we should take a break and allow them to acclimatise before someone does something they’ll regret.”
Dragon Kay snorted and spat on the ground, before turning and leaving the room as if nothing had happened. Saita collapsed to her knees breathing hard, with tears streaming down her face. There was a deep sigh of relief from the Dekai and the Heavenly.
“I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to free her from you. I panicked when I saw she had control.” Said Shareik.
“I gave her control!” exclaimed Saita as she got to her feet. “I am so sick of people wanting to control me. Her. Us. Whatever!”
Saita tried to run after the Fell Dragon, but the queen grabbed her arm. Saita shook her off.
“I can’t let her loose. I am responsible for her.” Saita pulled away and then sprinted from the room.
Despite the Fell Dragon only being a few steps ahead of her, she had simply vanished. Panic almost overwhelmed Siata. She remembered the damage Kay had caused when she was last free, and she didn’t want a repeat of that in a time that wasn’t theirs.
If you were just granted a body after more than two centuries of captivity, what would the first thing you do be?
For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, Book 7 here, and Book 8 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Part 38>>You are Here>>Part 40
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@weone, @merenludick, @clairemobey, @therneau, @blitzzzz, @pravesho, @joetunex, @captainquack22, @irisworld, @braaiboy, @sketchygamerguy, @fuego-oscuro, @felt.buzz, @dibblers.dabs, @brittandjosie, @tamacvet, @alonicus, @joetunex, @zakludick , @pixelhuntersam
You are an excellent writer. From character development and plot to world building. This series and the previous series, Fell Dragon are absolutely worth read!