Hello, friend @gohar-ali
Interesting article that you write today.
It is very common for parents to compare their children with other children as a strategy for them to do things they do not want.
This is a big mistake.
I remember that in my childhood, I ate little and all the adults in my family came up with the great idea of always comparing me to chubby girls who were this beautiful because they ate a lot.
As a result, I had frustrating adolescence, as I was fat and felt ugly compared to the others.
Overcoming these childhood traumas requires a long and painful process.
Better, it would be to stop comparing children and accept that they are all beautiful, although each one is different.
A hug
Right we all suffer this type of comparison, fat or thin, or dull skin color. this comparison steals the joy of childhood. i don't want to go to family gatherings.
Adults should avoid this practice.