In this new post, I'll just share some shower thoughts with you so, let's get started!
*It's funny how the best ideas often come to you in the shower.
*If you could press a button to make the world better, but it would also erase all your memories, would you press it?
*The most dangerous thing about being in space is actually just surviving the re-entry.
*The sound of a clock ticking is just a reminder that time never stops.
*If you dig deep enough, you might reach the center of the Earth, but no one’s sure what’s really there.
*Trees are the earth's lungs, and we keep cutting them down.
*Time is a construct, but it controls everything.
*If you stare at a candle long enough, you’ll eventually see things that aren't there.
*In your lifetime, you will probably walk past thousands of people who are living the same life as you, just in a different way.
*Every story you tell is just a version of the truth, but which version is the real one?
That was all I have for now,
Thanks for reading,
Stay tuned for part 8,
And if you have any shower thoughts, leave them in the comment section, maybe I'll use them in another post.