Oh my goodness.... you just have to try it ! It's a yeast extract spread similar to Vegemite or Bovril, but far, far nicer. It's got a sharper maltier taste to it, which I just love, especially when you take the edge off just slightly as it mixes with melted butter on toast or in a jacket potato. My wife hates the stuff, though.
We've got a saying here in the UK that "something is a bit Marmite" when it's something people either totally love or totally hate, but no-one is just "meh" with. 😁
Oh my goodness.... you just have to try it ! It's a yeast extract spread similar to Vegemite or Bovril, but far, far nicer. It's got a sharper maltier taste to it, which I just love, especially when you take the edge off just slightly as it mixes with melted butter on toast or in a jacket potato. My wife hates the stuff, though.
We've got a saying here in the UK that "something is a bit Marmite" when it's something people either totally love or totally hate, but no-one is just "meh" with. 😁
All you described sound alien to me. I only know about jellof rice, soup with swallow and all the foods that make me African. 😂
In that case,for me, "jellof rice is a bit marmite."because I love it 😅