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in Freewriters4 hours ago

Aurora mujer sumisa dedicada a su hogar y crianza de sus tres hijos . Se dedicaba a trabajar desde la comodidad de su hogar, para no desatender a sus hijos. En ocasiones sufria de ansiedad y le daba por comer en forma compulsiva. Su esposo Javier era un hombre de negocios, dirigia una gran empresa . Casi no estaba en casa porque se la mantenia viajando de un lugar a otro, lo que no le permitia compartir más en familia.

Con el tiempo la relación de Aurora y su esposo se fue deteriorando a tal punto que parecian dos extraños cuando se encontraban en casa. Aurora comenzó a sufrir de depresión. Quería salvar su matrimonio. Se entera que su esposo le era infiel con su secretaria. Y decide recuperar su vida, quería vivirla a plenitud, sentía que no debia vivir encerrada , mientras que su esposo disfrutaba con su amante. Quería llamar la atención de Javier . Decide con amigas salir a bailar y compartir sanamente, no estaba acostumbrada a ingerir bebidas alcohólicas.

En varias ocasiones perdía el control y no podia controlarse y cada vez se hacia peor la situación. Aurora siempre que se embriagaba pedia al mesonero sìrveme otro trago por favor. Y repetía cada cierto tiempo sìrveme otro trago por favor. Sus amigas la llevaban a casa y al otro día no recordaba nada de lo que hacía.

Su esposo no estaba enterado de la conducta de su esposa. Y comenzó a tomar mas en cuenta a su familia y rescatar a su esposa. Estaba arrepentido de haber engañado Aurora . Y se reúnen como pareja y deciden conversar y sincerarse en cuanto a su matrimonio. Aurora lloró desconsoladamente y le prometió a su esposo no volver a ingerir bebidas alcoholicas . Y no pedir al mesero sìrveme otro trago por favor. Javier y su esposo prometieron rescatar su matrimonio, ya que ellos se amaban y todo lo hacian por sus tres hermosos hijos.


English version

Aurora is a submissive woman dedicated to her home and raising her three children. He dedicated himself to working from the comfort of his home, so as not to neglect his children. At times he suffered from anxiety and began to eat compulsively. Her husband Javier was a businessman, he ran a large company. She was hardly at home because she kept traveling from one place to another, which did not allow her to share more with her family.

Over time, Aurora and her husband's relationship deteriorated to the point that they seemed like two strangers when they were at home. Aurora began to suffer from depression. He wanted to save his marriage. She finds out that her husband was unfaithful to her with his secretary. And she decides to recover her life, she wanted to live it to the fullest, she felt that she should not live locked up, while her husband enjoyed being with his lover. I wanted to get Javier's attention. She decided with friends to go out dancing and share healthily, she was not used to drinking alcoholic beverages.

On several occasions he lost control and could not control himself and the situation became increasingly worse. Every time Aurora got drunk she asked the innkeeper to serve me another drink please. And he repeated every once in a while, serve me another drink, please. Her friends took her home and the next day she didn't remember anything she did.

Her husband was not aware of his wife's behavior. And he began to take more into account his family and rescue his wife. He was sorry for having deceived Aurora. And they meet as a couple and decide to talk and be honest about their marriage. Aurora cried uncontrollably and promised her husband not to drink alcoholic beverages again. And don't ask the waiter, serve me another drink please. Javier and her husband promised to rescue their marriage, since they loved each other and did everything for their three beautiful children.

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