(ESP/ENG) El mariachi soñador /the dreamer mariachi

in Freewriters3 years ago

Ahí estaba Vicente, con su mirada perdida en el horizonte y su sonrisa danzando en sus pensamientos, el siempre se distinguía por ser una persona soñadora, positiva y alegre, pero ese día parecía otra persona, las pocas palabras que lograron escapar de su boca no eran aquellas que contagiaban de alegría a los que siempre lo buscaban cuando necesitaban recargar un poquito sus energías , porque el siempre tenía las palabras perfectas que caían como anillo al dedo, para cada situación, el tenía el don de navegar fácilmente en los pensamientos de los otros y descubrir hasta las emociones mas custodiadas en sus corazones. Vicente, "El mariachi" era un gran apoyo para todos quienes tenían la suerte de conocerlo, y nunca cerró sus puertas a quienes necesitaban de su ayuda.


El mariachi, gran intérprete de las mejores rancheras incluidas en su repertorio, gran amigo, gran conversador y colaborador, ahora estaba distante y frío, era el quien ahora necesitaba de la ayuda de un amigo, pero como hacerlo si nadie aún comprendía que pensamientos perturbaban su paz y alegría, pero muy pronto todos comprenderían que estaba sucediendo con Vicente.

Ya todas las noticias no hablaban de otro tema, era lo que se escuchaba a donde se fuera, todos hablaban de un confinamiento total debido a la pandemia que acechaba al mundo, y era necesario realizar un aislamiento total, ahora todo empezaba a tener sentido, ya el mariachi había vislumbrado ese oscuro acontecimiento, pero sin aún tener un haz bajo la manga, no tenia una solución a tan terrible noticia, no tenía un plan B que pudiese poner en marcha, ni siquiera podía pronunciar palabra al respecto, para el solo se avecinaba un mal pronóstico de su carrera, un alto en el camino de sus planes, sin tener ni la mas mínima idea para cuando sería posible volver a hacer sus planes futuros, pero eso no lo era peor, lo que mas lo atormentaba era que todos esos planes se caían como un catillo de naipes, sin poderlo evitar, por mas cálculos que realizaba, si la pandemia duraba solo el tiempo previsto, muy pronto sus ahorros empezarían a bajar y asimismo todos sus planes futuros.


Los primeros meses para todos fue una situación muy difícil, y Vicente no era la excepción, cada vez veía como sus ahorros se agotaban, pero un día se despertó y vio que ya en su despensa solo había pan y mantequilla, aunque agradecido por tener que comer y mas aún lo que mas le gustaba, ya su angustia empezó a apoderarse de su tranquilidad aparente, era el momento de hacer algo, ya no era posible seguir cruzado de brazos, mientras ya quedaba muy poco de todos sus ahorros, y en muy poco tiempo ya no quedaría nada.

Fue cuando a Vicente, se le ocurrió una brillante idea, todo al recordar el viejo que dicho que decía su madre " Si del cielo te caen limones, aprende a hacer limonada" y fue así que pensó ¿Qué era lo que se podría vender mas en estos momentos? y así se le ocurrió la gran idea ¡¡Tapabocas!!, dio un grito de emoción, porque no solo era la forma de el generar ingresos sino también la de ayudar a otros.


Recordó a su vecina María que se dedicaba a la costura y lo hacia muy bien y que en estos momentos también tenía dificultades económicas, también pensó en José, considerado el mejor vendedor del mundo por todos sus vecinos, no había nada que a el le quedara duro de vender, y así poco a poco mientras visualizaba el gran negocio que generaría ingresos no solo para el, sino para muchos de sus vecinos, fue encontrando aliados para su nuevo gran proyecto.

Vicente, ya no volvería a cantar sus rancheras para ganarse la vida, gracias a una crisis en la que el vio una oportunidad, "El mariachi" empezó inicialmente a fabricar y comercializar tapabocas para poder sobrevivir a una mala racha económica, pero que poco a poco, las ideas fueron fluyendo mas y ahora ha creado una microempresa autosostenible que no solo lo sacó del abismo donde sentía caer, para entonces encontrar la luz que buscaba por mucho tiempo, ahora el mariachi entona sus rancheras mientras sigue construyendo sus sueños y los de sus amigos , porque aunque nunca imaginó encontrar su pasión en algo mas que la música, siente que la satisfacción de ayudar a otros le ha brindado mas satisfacción que ir en búsqueda de los suyos.


Que bien tener ser como "El Mariachi soñador" , que vio en la crisis una gran oportunidad de crear nuevas ideas que lo llevarían a encontrar su verdadera pasión y en la que encontraría su mayor satisfacción y por fin lograr alcanzar sus sueños.



There was Vicente, with his lost gaze on the horizon and his smile dancing in his thoughts, he always distinguished himself as a dreamy, positive and happy person, but that day he seemed like another person, the few words that managed to escape from his mouth were not They were those that spread joy to those who always looked for him when they needed to recharge their energies a little, because he always had the perfect words that fell like a glove, for each situation, he had the gift of easily navigating the thoughts of the others and discover even the most guarded emotions in their hearts. Vicente, "El mariachi" was a great support for all those who were lucky enough to know him, and he never closed his doors to those who needed his help.


The mariachi, a great performer of the best rancheras included in his repertoire, a great friend, a great conversationalist and collaborator, was now distant and cold, he was the one who now needed the help of a friend, but how to do it if no one still understood what disturbing thoughts her peace and joy, but very soon everyone would understand what was happening with Vicente.

Now all the news did not talk about another topic, it was what was heard wherever they went, they all spoke of a total confinement due to the pandemic that was stalking the world, and it was necessary to carry out a total isolation, now everything began to make sense, The mariachi had already glimpsed that dark event, but without even having a beam up his sleeve, he did not have a solution to such terrible news, he did not have a plan B that he could put into motion, he could not even say a word about it, for the solo a bad prognosis for his career was coming, a halt in the way of his plans, without having the slightest idea for when it would be possible to make his future plans again, but that was not the worst, what tormented him the most was that All those plans fell apart like a pile of cards, without being able to avoid it, no matter how many calculations he made, if the pandemic lasted only the expected time, very soon his savings would begin to fall and also all his future plans.


The first months for everyone was a very difficult situation, and Vicente was no exception, each time he saw his savings run out, but one day he woke up and saw that there was only bread and butter in his pantry, although grateful for having to eat and even more what he liked the most, and his anguish began to take over his apparent tranquility, it was time to do something, it was no longer possible to continue with his arms crossed, while there was very little of all his savings left, and in very in a short time there would be nothing left.

It was when Vicente came up with a brilliant idea, all when he remembered the old man who said that his mother said "If lemons fall from the sky, learn to make lemonade" and that is how he thought What could be sold more right now? And so he came up with the great idea ¡¡Tapabocas !!, He gave a cry of emotion, because it was not only the way to generate income but also to help others.


He remembered his neighbor María who was dedicated to sewing and did very well and that at this time he was also having financial difficulties, he also thought of José, considered the best seller in the world by all his neighbors, there was nothing left for him hard to sell, and so little by little while he visualized the great business that would generate income not only for him, but for many of his neighbors, he was finding allies for his new great project.

Vicente, would no longer sing his rancheras to earn a living, thanks to a crisis in which he saw an opportunity, "El mariachi" initially began to manufacture and market masks in order to survive a bad economic streak, but little by little. little, the ideas flowed more and now he has created a self-sustaining micro-business that not only took him out of the abyss where he felt himself falling, to then find the light he was looking for for a long time, now the mariachi sings his rancheras while continuing to build his dreams and those of his friends, because although he never imagined finding his passion in something other than music, he feels that the satisfaction of helping others has given him more satisfaction than going in search of his own.


How good it is to be like "El Mariachi dreamer", who saw in the crisis a great opportunity to create new ideas that would lead him to find his true passion and in which he would find his greatest satisfaction and finally achieve his dreams.
