Im not going to go through the hassle to locate it; u can scroll through all the memehub community posts if u wish to find it urself. Sorry if u feel wronged but my actions only relate to that single post; if u r having issues with ur other posts then it is not related to me. I did state in my reasoning that u potentially just thought up a meme someone else already had and i didnt outright assert it was plagiarized, if i had gone through the hassle to locate the meme then the outcome would have been worse for ya anyways, as Hive takes plagiarism pretty seriously (others might not be so generous with the benefit of the doubt). Also note that the post was only muted in the memehub community only and not downvoted, which is a big difference.
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I see your point. That Meme was done by ME and only me, I added the text - that's all I want to make clear. Otherwise, I don't have issues with any other posts except this one. It definitely sounds funny to me. Best!
I upvoted one of ur posts were u cited sources which leads me to believe it wasnt plagiarized. Feel free to post a meme again sometime in memehub.
The source is written on the image...''imgflip'' - that's why I didn't find it necessary. Let's not assume things based on our own opinions solely.
imgflip is very commonly used to make memes (what I recommend on my site, I actually redirect ppl to it with my create a meme icon), so the imgflip watermark is very common on memes n doesnt necessarily prove anything. a direct link to its creation on imgflip helps but the issue is that someone else has already made that meme previously regardless the OC concern. I would just recommend to stopping worry about that one single meme and make another, chances of ya duplicating a meme someone else has already made before twice in a row is pretty slim.
"Let's not assume things based on our own opinions solely." I did not make any assumptions, nor base anything off my opinion.
This is the assumption you made: ''I upvoted one of ur posts were u cited sources which leads me to believe it was plagiarized.'' And my intention is not to convince you of anything, especially when I am sure about it and when you want to prove bravely the contrary with no evidence at all. Anyway, two similar Memes might happen, especially when a Meme is composed of 3 WORDS. Even though I would have liked to see more transparency about this matter, I will choose to trust in your good intentions and hope it also enhances more transparent actions in the Hive blockchain. I understand that the mission to follow lots of posts is not an easy one, and hope you also understand users' needs for fairness in the blockchain.
its a statement not an opinion, and a true statement at that. If u want to scroll through all the posts in my community to find it THEN GO FOR IT!
"Anyway, two similar Memes might happen, especially when a Meme is composed of 3 WORDS" yes, hence me not simply accusing u of plagiarism. There is no lack of transparency, u apparently dont wanna do the work to scroll through all the memes in my community to find the meme urself either so its got absolutely nothing to do with transparency. Thus, in fact u are the one giving opinions and making assumptions, so ur technically gaslighting me.
Ive been nice for about as long as I personally can, so plz kindly fuck off with the illogical rhetoric before I get any more annoyed.
JM, this is a statement - "so it was either plagiarized, a repost, or u just thought up a meme someone else already had"
I'm one of the people who is developing a huge marketing campaign for Hive to bring people from my centralized networks that I have built since 2004 in Hive. If a thing like this is happening to any of them, I want to see the support of the statement.
The girl seems genuine and I trust the fact that when an image that stands behind a meme is well-known, that is familiar. But if she inserted the text and published it here, then it's her meme.
And I hate the mystery. Especially when it comes as a favor for not offering a downvote.
Doubt is something that needs to be extincted on both sides. So, let's have things transparent, please.So, with all the respect for what you've built, when you have some free time, maybe you'll be kind enough to support your saying and your muted action. This kind of behavior would make us, Hivers, trust Hive and Memehub more. If not, @maylenasland might be accused for something she did or she didn't do.
I see you're a reasonable man.
Feel free to locate the meme yourself in the community. Ive been here for years so itll be a long scroll, and I dont have time to do that everytime a situation occurs simply to appease ppl in a pretty trivial situation. Even if the meme was not plagiarized, ive still seen it before n stand behind the decision, but it doesnt affect anything but its visibility in my community. The only way they could be accused of something they didnt do at this point is via creating posts like the one above drawing attention n being negative in the process. good luck with ur hive adventures
BS then