La mayor parte del tiempo Antonia està atenta a seguir sus cursos para su preparaciòn acadèmica, algo que hace con mucho esfuerzo porque ella es la mayor de varios hermanos y con una situaciòn financiera bastante deficiente para lo que quiere lograr.
Como mayor de sus hermanos , se ha encargado de mejorar un poco la situaciòn trabajando en diversas actividades para cooperar con su madre en la manutenciòn de sus hermanos quienes desde pequeños la han visto esforzarse para mejorar no solo ella sino todo su grupo familiar.
A pesar de los esfuerzos que hace Antonia, ya faltando muy poco para terminar su carrera de medicina, hay una asignatura que le ha dado mucho trabajo, parece o siente que su instructor un doctor excelente no le tiene buena estima a pesar que el conoce un poco de su historia.
A veces, la ataca con preguntas fuera del lugar o no del tema en estudio que es lo que se espera, sus compañeros y compañeras de la carrera, unos han avanzado , otros se han quedado , ella en el medio de los grupos, siempre le preguntan que què pasa con el instructor o profesor si ella es buena en esa asignatura, de hecho es quien colabora con todos a la hora de estudiar, le reconocen lo aprendido, porquè ocurre esto. Pues, Antonia tampoco lo sabe.
En su enorme lucha, llega la hora de finales, solo uno para que logre su objetivo. Piensa en lo alegre para su madre y sus hermanos al lograr este momento.
Pasò la evaluaciòn escrita con una excelente nota, sus compañeros la aplaudieron al ver el resultado.
Al llegar la evaluaciòn oral, con un pùblico numeroso el doctor comenzò a hacer preguntas a Antonia de temas que no estaban previstos , en cuanto a esto ella se defendiò como pudo.
Al final de muchos aplausos por su intervenciòn el instructor se dirigiò al pùblico haciendo saber que Antonia no iba a ser aprobada porque el considera que no està preparada para cumplir la misiòn de un mèdico, al escuchar estas palabras Antonia, sintiò un frìo muy dentro de su corazòn. Sin decir nada, sin mirarlo, se levantó sacudiendo el polvo de su pantalón, y con mucha suavidad dijo: "la mejor forma de no aprender nada es no equivocarse nunca". Su instructor dejó escapar una risa al oirlo…
Los compañeros de Antonia no dejaron pasar el momento y comenzaron a investigar acerca de el promedio que su amiga y compañera de estudios llevaba, se encontraron con un excelente promedio a pesar de todo lo que hacìa ella para avanzar, se unieron y llevaron el caso a los màs altos cargos que regìan la escuela de medicina, algunos se asesoraron con abogados y hasta algunos de los padres colaboraron en relaciòn al tema.
Por suerte, un compañero grabò la evaluaciòn oral que fue parte de las pruebas, se llegò a un concenso y Antonia fue llamada a una segunda evaluacòn oral con los temas que de verdad serìan tratados en dicha evaluaciòn y con un panel donde el instructor no le dejaron participar.
Pues, Antonia se luciò con su ponencia y las preguntas eran pertinentes a los temas. El logro de Antonia siempre fue recordado.
Su familia siempre orgullosa de ella, avanzò en la ayuda hacia su madre y hermanos, por unos años fue un poco fuerte hasta que cada uno fue superando sus aprendizajes y se colocaron en distintas actividades laborales por que Antonia se fue desprendiendo econòmicamente porque vio que se logrò lo que ella quiso. Salieron adelante, Antonia siguiò preparàndose y hasta formò parte de los profesores de la escuela de medicina en años siguientes.
Contenido original
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Contenido original
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Most of the time Antonia is attentive to follow her courses for her academic preparation, something she does with great effort because she is the eldest of several siblings and with a financial situation quite deficient for what she wants to achieve.
As the eldest of her siblings, she has been responsible for improving the situation by working in various activities to cooperate with her mother in the maintenance of her siblings who since childhood have seen her strive to improve not only herself but all her family group.
In spite of Antonia's efforts, she is very close to finishing her medical degree, but there is one subject that has given her a lot of work. It seems or she feels that her instructor, an excellent doctor, does not hold her in good esteem, even though he knows a little of her history.
Sometimes, he attacks her with questions out of place or not on the subject being studied, which is what is expected, her classmates, some have advanced, others have stayed, she is in the middle of the groups, they always ask her what happens with the instructor or professor if she is good in that subject, in fact she is the one who collaborates with everyone when studying, they recognize what she has learned, why this happens. Well, Antonia does not know either.
In her enormous struggle, it is time for finals, just one to achieve her goal. She thinks of the joy for her mother and siblings to achieve this moment.
She passed the written evaluation with an excellent grade, her classmates applauded her when they saw the result.
At the oral evaluation, with a large audience, the doctor began to ask Antonia questions on topics that were not foreseen, and she defended herself as best she could.
At the end of many applauses for her intervention the instructor addressed the public making it known that Antonia was not going to be approved because he considers that she is not prepared to fulfill the mission of a doctor, listening to these words Antonia felt a coldness deep inside her heart. Without saying anything, without looking at him, she got up, dusted off her pants, and very softly said: “the best way to learn nothing is to never make a mistake”. Her instructor let out a chuckle at the sound of it...
Antonia's classmates did not let the moment pass and began to investigate about the average that their friend and fellow student had, they found an excellent average in spite of everything she was doing to advance, they got together and took the case to the highest positions that governed the medical school, some were advised by lawyers and even some of the parents collaborated in relation to the issue.
Fortunately, a colleague recorded the oral evaluation that was part of the tests, a consensus was reached and Antonia was called to a second oral evaluation with the topics that would actually be covered in that evaluation and with a panel where the instructor was not allowed to participate.
Well, Antonia excelled with her presentation and the questions were pertinent to the topics. Antonia's achievement was always remembered.
Her family, always proud of her, moved forward in helping her mother and siblings, for a few years it was a little hard until each one was overcoming their apprenticeships and were placed in different work activities because Antonia was economically detached because she saw that she achieved what she wanted. They moved forward, Antonia continued her training and even became part of the professors of the medical school in the following years.
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Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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