Every phase of our life has different lessons to teach, and different ways of life to live with. From the moment you start to realise that you have a few responsibilities to fulfil things start to work differently.
Two or three years ago, life was less stressful, nothing was dependent on me, and I was on my own way to lead myself. I still remember the nights when I would spend the whole time watching a tv-show, going for episodes one after another, and going to sleep after sunrise was a common thing. The sleeping cycle is still the same but the reasons are not the same anymore.
For the last few months, hangouts are rare, I reject calls as I won't be able to give time like before. It's not like that I am always busy, it's the willpower. I don't wanna go out now as I have piles of things to fulfil but am in a dilemma on how to sort them out. Yeah, nothing is sorted, nor will be, floating through the mess.
23, I am in, it is the period when you start to take over responsibilities(willingly or unwillingly) one by one, you start to get busy, and your daily routines aren't the same anymore. Some experience it after a few more years or it comes early for many. It actually depends on how solvent your family is, not gonna drag on this.
You see your parents getting aged, not strong like before, physically they are getting weak. Once a sickness hits, things become super messy. About last week, his usual diabetic level and pressure went low, lower than his usual and normal levels. He felt extremely weak, the doctor had to change his regular medicines, and took almost three days to recover from the weakness. Seems minor sickness but it becomes thousands of times more miserable to see them getting weak. Didn't want to bring this up here but couldn't resist as these are the thoughts that keep roaming all day long.
Sometimes I feel so tired of thinking about all these shits about life, the heart says, "Stop pushing it so hard, let it flow as it wants." and I did let it flow many times, enjoyed the flow too, but things are getting rough and tough now. No way to let loose on the paddle as things are already getting hard to control, on top of that I can't take the risk of letting it flow as it pleases. All I can do is I set the path and try to flow on that way, if it goes.
Whatever, life goes on.
There is much more to come. Once you start your own family, you will feel like everything is pushing you down but you have to push forward.
Try to flow, that's the best you can do.
A never-ending journey, and I am trying to accept this bitter truth. The sooner I can the better it will be for me I guess.
Life is much harder for men. So don't focus on the burdens but go with the flow.
Trying to do that, keep me in your prayers. 😇
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Life goes on , whatever it is that happens had happened in the past and isn’t new, we move on and grow through experience.
The only way to go is up