A Hard Day at the Office

in Freewriters2 years ago

_That does not belong to you! Kendal yelled at Daniel when the latter had grabbed the laptop he was working on.
_That belongs to the company, and you're fired! Kendal sentenced.
Then Daniel looked at him, put the laptop on the desk and left.


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With this little story I participate in the Zapfic Monday contest, if you want to participate I invite you to know the details here.

Let your imagination run wild, you don't need to go too far, you too can tell a story with 240 characters.

Be creative!


That's so sad.
He is fired, that hurts.
Nice short story dear.

Thank you very much @jmis101! 😊

You are welcome.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 125 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you very much @pixresteemer! 😊

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Nice story. So sad he was fired

Yes, it is very sad to be unemployed.