dirt on face
This is my post for #freewriters Wednesday prompt hosted by @mariannewest
It was a cool but beautiful morning on the river. I went to the middle bank of the inlet. My husband ran to the Big Flat then Coconut, he skipped three pompano at Coconut but did not catch anything. I skipped one at the middle bank but did not catch any.
I went to the North Bar then ran North of Long Point and back into the Beanfield, seeing nothing I ran back to the inlet. I decided to just anchor on Starvation but did not catch anything.
My husband texted me saying he was going home. I went back in Starvation to my trout hole and a pompano skipped out in front of my boat. I anchored and they kept skipping off of my boat, I caught one but decided that I should move because I was sitting right where they were laying. I dropped a buoy and moved to where I could throw my lines where I was anchored. They still skipped off of my boat. I did not catch anything else.
The tide had changed so I went back to the middle bank, I did not see anything, I just anchored. I was not there long and had one on, before I could get that one in the boat, another rod was jumping with one on it. I got both of them. I ended up catching eight there, but it was getting late so I had to leave.
I did not have a great day but it felt good to catch something and not come home with dirt on face as my husband did, don't tell him that I said that, lol.
There was a pile of Florida Mottled ducks just south of the boat ramp, I have never seen this many of them together. They are called Florida ducks because Florida is the only place that has this type.
Great story and gorgeous photos!
thank you
You're welcome
I'm glad that you ended up with fish. It sounds like a frustrating day until then. Your photos are beautiful! It seems a balm to me to be able to see the Florida sunsets. I really enjoyed them on vacation in St. Petersburg and Ft. Meyers. My son, Benjamin, took me to Fort Myers Beach one Sunset and it was amazing.
My pictures are of sunrises, I am on the east coast. I have an Aunt that lives on the west coast and yes they have some beautiful sunsets.
Loved the way you used the prompt. I wish you both Better fishing days🤗
thank you
I guess you and your husband take turns having successful fishing days.
yes we do and sometimes we both catch, that makes for a very good day.