5 minute frrite 2577 prompt open the door to the future

in Freewriters3 months ago


This is my post for #freewriters 2577 prompt *open the door to the future hosted by @mariannewest

I do not know anyone who doesn't wish they could go back and change something in their past. Everyone says if I could go back and change it, I would but I have never met or heard anyone say I wish I could open the door to the future. If you could do this, then there would be no need to go back in time because you fixed it in the future. I think that will work but who knows until we can do it.


If we could open the door to the future
will there be a need to neuter?
Will there still be fields of green
or will they be brown lying on the ground?
We have sprayed poisons and the bugs died
Little did we know the harm it was doing.
Now nothing grows in the field, it is in a tube.
DNA being changed the seeds will not grow.


If we could open the door to the future
Will they still be pumping sand on the beaches
yes, it is creating more land, but at what cost?
Do they see the harm that can not be undone?
The coral went first, covered in sand
it can not withstand.
The fish will leave or be eaten
no place to hide on the sandhill
that once was a reef
Will man feel grief?
If we could open the door to the future
Will people see what the state did?
Towns needed fresh water but so did the river.
It was a brackish water lagoon.
Inlets were dug, and freshwater was stopped from entering.
The freshwater was turned, canals dug, dikes built
bigger cities, and new developments needed water.
and they got it. Everything changed in the river,
the river died
from manatees to birds, turtles and dolphins, the seagrass, all shellfish, and the good algae, I would say 90% died.
why did they tell people it happened?
They created fish kills and got news media to report it was pollution.
And the people believe what they are told?

If we could open the door to the future
will we still believe their lies?

They say the sand is not harming anything
The sand is killing the reef

Pollution killed the river
The river needed freshwater, they took it away and changed the salinity.

Spraying pesticides harms nothing
The poisons they spray could harm the soil
I have no proof of this.

photos are mine, I think I took the one about seagrass at the Museum of Natural History in NYC, but not sure about that.


Just like we can't go back to the past, we can't go fast forward to the future. However, we might be able to correct the mistakes of our pasts and we can shape our future somewhat!

I like your reply.