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RE: 5 minute freewrite 2585 prompt official loser

in Freewriters3 months ago

Thanks. If you have ever tasted a home grown pineapple you would know why I love them so much.

The ones you buy in the stores are picked too soon and have not had the time to get sweet.
When I grow them I let them turn orange before picking and then I turn them upside down and let them set for 3 days, this lets the sugars in them spread throughout. You never see fully ripe ones in the store. You can bring one home and in a few days it will turn orange but without ripening on the plant, it will not be sweet.


Oh, really! I think you are 100% correct. We aren't getting such pineapple at the market.


I hope you buy one and plant the top, it will take a couple of years to get fruit but well worth it.
Twist the top off of the bought one and set it in the shade for 3 days, or on your countertop, peel off the bottom leaves about 2 inches up, and plant in well draining soil. Water from the top every 3 or 4 days, that is where they get water, not the roots.

it will take a couple of years to get fruit

That's not for me :P I don't know where I will be in the next 2-3 years!

Thanks for the suggestion though!

Maybe one day when you settle in one place.