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RE: 5minute freewrite 2555 prompt prize idiot

in Freewriters3 months ago

We save a lot of money by shopping there, so rats or not, it is worth it. We watch what we buy, nothing like flour where I have the thought of a rat peeing on the package and it drying and how much went on the flour. Things like that, "NO Mame", I am not buying it there.

It is a store where the big stores donate expired foods or about to expire. They charge us what they call a handling fee, which on some items is the same price as the big stores that gave it to them. But fresh veggies are cheap you just have to pick through the bad ones.

Yesterday we got 4 heads of lettuce for .59 cents and a case of baby spinach for .99 cents, the case had 8 big packages in it. None of it had any rotten spots which is rare.