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RE: Not So Favorable

in Freewriters11 months ago

What is this app?

Just keep doing what you're doing, you're on the right track.

You probably know this already though.

It's not bad to think, not at all. Just don't let the first thought, the one that comes suddenly, like that... take control of you. The second and the rest are your responsibility.

When they tell you to start over, I think it's a way of saying to unlearn. We have many false preconceived ideas that we have to leave behind. To change them, just let them come to your mind and declare that you do not accept them and immediately put the best idea there, because the Universe hates a void.


The Most Dangerous app - it's a writing thing. Stream of conscious and it's super fun! :)

I like that. The first being what it is and the second and so on being a choice. Brilliant, really.

I think he means, literally, "Start again." As in we dream most of the time and the practice is seeking truth and staying "woke". And it's this that makes me smile because "living' is so much of this.... remembering. Yes. Remembering the truth instead of getting caught up in "the dream".

I guess it is the same as unlearning :)

I visited the Void. Once. Near death thing. I'll write about it one day.

And it does, indeed, not hate itself but just is itself. Also... it's where "life" and everything that comes with it... is generated from. Or by. Yes. So one would have to question whether "void" is the correct word then, I suppose.

Which your comment just made me think about. And this is a thought worth pondering... thank you <3