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RE: They Are All Mainstream

in Freewriters ā€¢ last year

Eh... no need to go through all that. Just info. Good to put up for folks that may be struggling and confused.

We keep on keeping on šŸ‘šŸ¾

I did not meditate today :|

I blame the laundry.

You're rocking it!

Okay. I'm back on it tomorrow. Not gonna get left behind on the meditation mission.

Thanks for you.

And yes. Of course I meant Disney love. But you won't believe how hard it is to find up men out here! :D

I think we over mother our boys šŸ˜•

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Yeah, but there are replies brewing, i've just not been the right time to reply yet.

The "up" men, they are everywhere, just not many, but the time for you to draw one to you has not yet come, because you're not ready yet, or it would have happened.

Same for me (an "up" wo man i mean :-)

Well, boys do need mothering, yet equally they need fathering to bring the balance. But there ain't many awake mothers & fathers around, yet.

But, #matrix8fixesthis (or it could, once we write the book / game / movie-script to help get it off the ground :-)

i'm sitting on the mat for 2nd time today but i let you distract me. Ok, here goes - Aum.

Sat Nam

Oh... never let anyone distract you, dear man!

I sat today. And danced to day. Thanks for the mission!

I did not yesterday and I so felt it in my muscles today. Just all tense and not so lekker.

I thought about this after I wrote it and it's the opposite, isn't it. Sad really. Not enough consistent motherly love. Hence the anger and resentment and mistrust.

And yes. From both parents but... for sis "straight" folks it's usually the relationship with the primary caregiver of the opposite sex that should kinda set the "tone" for intimate relationships.

These days? Hmmmm.... it's all mixed up, isn't it. Multi-generational trauma now and we all carry stuff we need to heal from both. Spot on.}

Don't forget to meditate today.

Fuck it felt like ten hours for me today! šŸ‘€ Strange how different it is each day, huh?

Hey. Yep i sat again before sleep last night (just after midnight) and again this morning + a little yoga.

How are you feeling? :)

I'm about to dance and do same. It's a game changer, isn't it? Becoming the best part of my day.

This and Fortnite šŸ˜Ž