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RE: Not So Favorable

in Freewriters11 months ago

What a marvelous comment! Who are you?!!!

Why am I following you and hardly "see" you?!!

And hello. Noted on the egg-timer. Thank you. But I prefer to live a bit dangerously... I mean spontaneously ;)

I've been inactive mostly. Needed a break. And then got stuck. I guess as we writers do at times. Loving this initiative. It's very clever indeed. I'm going to do it every day now. Just to keep myself writing.

That's what all the great writers say, btw. When people ask them how they became great.

Write! Write every day.

And now I shall <3

I insist you tag me in all your #freewrites moving forward from this day, please.


lol. You know me. We think a lot alike.

I used to freewrite daily. I got really good at it! I could sit down, set a timer, and let a story I didn't know be written. It was such a rush!!! I got my expectations of myself up pretty high, and put up barriers to my imagination in the process. Now, I write most days, but the products don't seem publishable - who would want to read them? I hate to waste my readers' time. Maybe I'll write one today, maybe I will even publish it. I'll try to remember to tag you. I mostly write about freedom these days, I can't seem to help myself!

Well I'm all about Freedom so even more reason to tag me then, please.

No pressure though. Being Under Pressure never did anything good for creativity :|

Except this 👇 This worked pretty well!

Great tune! I don't think I've ever listened to it closely before. Thanks for it. Elevating!

Well that's Bowie and Mercury.

They certainly could elevate!