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RE: 15 Quotes On The Epic Super-Power Most Content-Creators Neglect

in Freewriters4 years ago

I love it, and I think I've done it in my tutorial posts, but, how would you apply this in a story? I would say that the first paragaph of any story should persuade, but do you recommend to add someting else before that?


That is very likely, we're all doing it all the time. :)

Most stories are aiming to persuade you to become invested in the characters/plot. Most stories aim to persuade you to keep 'turning the page' and reading the next sentence. Some stories aim to persuade you to new insights or to a moral lesson. It starts from the title of the story, to the opening line, to all the rest of the writing. It even applies to the artwork on the cover or the blurb on the back, persuading someone to pick up a book, or the thumbnail of a post.

I wrote 5 'one-sentence' stories, and each one of them attempts to persuade the reader to 'enjoy' it. I hope this makes sense :) 🙏

It does, and again, it's what I already do. Success, here I go! hahaha

(grin) Well it's not really about "do I do this, or do I not it", in my mind...'s about how skillfully and masterfully we persuade. "Am I Shakira-level at persuasion? Or am I toddler-level at persuasion?"

For example, I do it often, but I still have lots of room to improve and grow in my persuasion-ability. :)

Anyway, wishing you lots of success! 🙏