3 tricks to overcoming your content writing block
Save this for a rainy day when you feel stuck on your words!
Some days, your words flow like water. You know exactly what to say, and your mind speeds miles ahead while your fingers struggle to keep on typing.
Other days, it’s a chore.
You block out your calendar, brew a cup of coffee, sit down to write and... crickets
When creativity isn’t exactly breaking down your front door, every word feels like a struggle.
And to be perfectly honest, sometimes the only thing that helps with a writing block is time. ⏱
Time away from your keyboard, away from your outlines, away from your business altogether. Eventually, the block will pass, and creative ideas will come flooding in again.
But deadlines stop for no one, and sometimes you have to give your creativity a more immediate boost.
When time is of the essence, whip out one of these 3 block-clearing tricks:
Go for a walk. Or pace around the room – either will do. Distance from your blank page + the rhythmic movement of walking will stir the creative pot and get your ideas flowing.
Take a shower. I talked about the mystical phenomenon of the creative shower thought in a previous post, and I was surprised to see how many of you also get your best ideas in the shower. Imagine scrubbing off the creative slump, then hop in and have a pen ready to catch all those brilliant ideas afterwards!
Reflect on your ‘why’. What lights your fire and gets you out of bed in the morning? What kind of value will this piece of content bring to your audience? What can you say to inspire them to take action? Keeping these things in mind is a great way to revive your creative flow.
Which of these three works best for you when you’re going through a slump? Let me know in the comments below
Generalmente cuando me sucede un bloqueo, lo que hago es agarrar un buen libro de poesía y me pongo a leer, tambien lo he hecho con una buena novela, de esas que te atrapan, pero tienes mucha razón cuando dices que es el tiempo y la distancia, estos son buenos ayudantes para desestrezar y abrir de nuevo las puertas de la creatividad.
Saludos @njokudavid.