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RE: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words - I Wish I Was A Bunny

in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)

:) We had a neighbours pet pink-eyed, white rabbit that used to come into our backyard all the time for weeks on end. It would hop around us and the chickens carefree (it had escaped the neighbours house). Every time I went to pick it up it would just escape my advance but it was very placid and tame and didn't mind being within 1 or 2 feet of us as we gardened or fed the chickens. Then one day the neighbours came over and we helped them catch it so they could get it back into their hutch. I guess in part that's what inspired me to write this, observing as it roamed around the backyard or front or the adjacent neighbours front lawns, freely eating grass and eating vegie scraps we had left for the chickens. I'm glad it makes you smile. Perhaps you might have to! :)