What Is Under Your Carpet?

in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)



“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” said one of the wisest men to ever walk the face of the Earth. I could even take it a step further to call Him the wisest. This is my premise for saying so: We will remain in perpetual bondage without knowledge of the truth.
I once read a story of a man who was unjustly accused of rape and charged guilty due to the testimony of his accuser. Here’s the twist to the story, years went by before a witness, the mother of the accuser came out to say the accusation was false and the rape never happened. The man was discharged and acquitted by the court because of this turn of event. This is a legal case study of freedom due to the truth. This applies to every single facet of our lives, psychological, relational, health, etc. We cannot attain absolute freedom without taking these actions: knowing, accepting and confronting the truth.
Recently, I recovered from an overwhelming feeling of despair. I couldn’t bring myself to be as productive as I wanted. I thought I needed therapy, a counselor or motivational speaker to bring me out of this state of despair. However, it wasn’t any of these that led to my recovery. I was doing some soul-searching at a point and discovered the underlying reason. I have always had this longing which I kept sweeping under the carpet because I didn’t want to confront it. This was the reason despair crept in. I acknowledged and confronted the truth about my longing and I kid you not, like a miracle, I came out of the state of despair.
Sometimes, we choose not to know the truth because of the myth, “Ignorance is bliss”. In Africa, it is commonly said, “What you do not know cannot kill you”. In other words, people would prefer to stay in bondage via ignorance than know, accept and confront the unpleasant truth and be free. Many a times, in all fairness, we know truth, however we remain in bondage because we do not accept nor confront it. This is disheartening because our freedom is hinged on not only knowing the truth but accepting and confronting it.
Look under the carpet of your mind, what do you have there? That may just be the key to your freedom in any wise. Know the truth, accept and confront it.

Thank you once again for blessing me with your audience. Till next time, I remain Funmi.


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