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RE: The Gift (short fiction for #freewrite prompt "wagging tail")

in Freewriters2 years ago

Sweet sweet story!

I set my timer for 4:30, type away like mad, then go back and fix the many many typos. I often go overtime a bit, but I try not to change the content at all, just proofread really. If I can get in the groove and really let the stories write themselves, without thinking much at all, those are the best stories. If I've had to think about them, they are stilted and don't flow easily. But I did learn to type on a qwerty keyboard back there in high school when kids were taught useful skills.

Try the most dangerous writing app if you haven't ever used that. It will erase everything you have already typed if you stop typing. I can see giving yourself a handicap as you did, that seem perfectly fair to me. Maybe write for six minutes, then go back and proofread as long as you need to to clean it up. I think we all have our methods. is probably the closest to a true 5 minute freewrite, and he has got it DOWN.


Hi @owasco! My computer crashed. Finally made time to set up my phone, so can comment and post again now, but likely not to post again until one or another of my computers is back from the shop. This is good feedback thank you!

I was wondering where you had dashed off to! Bummer - I hope you get it all straightened out without too much trouble.

Thanks! Working on it...