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RE: Bean counters, Murderous hunters, Mennonite warlords - Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2212

in Freewriterslast year

Funny and bittersweet, that's my Carol Kean at her best, freewriting.

Your father. You chose a telling photo to use at the end of your post, all tight fisted Dad.

That tractor was, then, your grandfather's too? How old is that thing?!

I've missed you around here! How did I miss this post for four whole days?!

When you told me about the bobcat killer, I thought your daughter was already dating him! That would probably never get past one date, alas. May the perfect son-in-law turn up soon, and may both of them fall head over heels in true love. I hope Mariel doesn't have standards that are so "high," they take all the fun right outta loving.

Love that meme! I don't think Sam has warlord potential though. Is that enough to dump him?


Aww, thanks for reading - and GETTING IT, as always.
Yes, the tractor was my grandpa's, and it got sold at auction.
Yes, our daughter has high standards - which can interfere with living life to the fullest.
The bobcat killer couldn't get even one date with her.
It's one thing to hunt and kill to feed a hungry family, she says.
But to go off and search for a cat to kill (or a buck with a rack) as a trophy -
and to REJOICE over your kill -
Zero tolerance!
Me, I'm thinking the pool of son-in-law candidates just keeps getting smaller.
To dump a man for not having warlord potential - LOL! - this sounds like a hot potato I'd best not touch. Me and my ideas, my opinions. Nothing but trouble. You're one of a very small number of humans on this planet who actually pay attention to what I think about anything. Thanks again for reading and commenting. (And how did it take me three days to see this! We make a good pair.)

I'm not dumping Sam, he's as close to warlord potential as any man gets these days, so many have been emasculated by woke-ism. He drives around with Trump banners sticking up from his car! While I don't support Trump (because I believe he is controlled opposition), I do admire Sam's courage in driving around and openly expressing beliefs that could get his tires slashed. He's also openly loving, which could get him accused of sexual harassment. In other words, a real man!! A rarity these days.

I can see why the tractor is the object most salient for you from that sale. (Bad grammar, I know. Sorry) I mourn your loss. That would have been very hard for me to see go, too.

Does M eat meat? When the man who hunts our land brings me venison, I have a beautiful moment of gratefulness to the animal. I feel as if I nourished it, and gave it a lovely place to live, a decent life. If she eats meat that has been raised in factories, she's doing more harm to animals than if she shot them herself. I'd date a hunter; for the most part they are exceptionally lovely people. Except for the tenant I had to evict. The last straw was when he invited eight men with guns to hunt our land, even though he alone had been given permission to hunt only with a bow.

His work shirts, caps, coats, and boots - those affect us maybe even more than the tractor, as these are tactile things inside the house and to walk into his computer area and see his jacket draped over the chair, as if he were still there, ready to step back in a moment --

You already wrote a poem about the clothes.

Oh the irony of anti-hunting All-Heart animal lovers who also eat meat...
How utterly IGNORANT and OBLIVIOUS most people - where does your food come from -

The slaughter house. My spinster aunt worked 40 years at a meat packing plant.
The way chickens are sorted - male peeps are killed. Disposed of. And not in a nice way. Can't the poultry producers give away the baby roosters instead of (You don't want to know!).

Fishing is not as cringe-worthy as slaughtering furry mammals with big, warm eyes.

Oh man, I am not gonna 'go there' right now -
Suffice to say, I wish my daughter would take up gardening and homesteading and escape this daily grind, Mon-Fri, which leaves her exhausted and not LIVING even outside the office.

At age 45, Ruth Stout started gardening, and she made it as effortless as possible. You've probably heard of her. She was born in Kansas in the 1880s. As a white-haired old lady, she'd garden naked while smoking weed...
... no tilling, no poisons, no spray, but lots of hay and compost .....

Did Sam Stonehill recently post about her? She's so cool.

When she started listening to the plants, they told her what to do!!! OMG how much I love that. She tapped into the global intelligence system.

She just throws potatoes on the ground!

I can think of no reason why not. They grow.




They broke my heart. They didn't arrest me. I had to go home and go to Sunday school.

She lived, as did her parents before her, by natural law and the principles of nature, not by the laws of men. I wanna be her!!!

This is wonderful! I usually skim videos that are longer than a couple minutes, but I watched this one intently, no jetting off to see what the notification I got was, no getting up to make tea. I absolutely love this video!!! Thank you so much for giving it to me, to us!

Also, I'm glad you don't plan to "dump" Sam. :)
He sounds like Good People.
Which reminds me of this song I keep revisiting:

All of the people who care about you, and
all of the people that you care for too well,
let's wrap 'em in a big pink blanket
and stick them to yourself with glue.

This much I know, you mustn't let them go.
This much is true, sun shines when I'm with you.

Found via a cat video!

Great tune!!!!