I have tried to get her help, when she was 17 I did what is called a Murphy Act on her and she had to go to a rehab, court ordered. She did good until 5 years ago, she is now 40. I have had her Baker Acted several times and the last time they would not do it. She will not willingly go. She is not in the right mind anymore, and she does not look like she used to look, but I still love her and wish there was something that I could do, worse feeling in the world is to watch someone you love..... I cannot write the rest, I hope you understand what I was going to say.
Ohhhh, I'm so sorry. Watching a loved one go down that road, the one leading to ruin, and having no powers of persuasion to reel them back - in 1987 I was advised that my sister (alcoholism) would have to hit rock bottom (I could do nothing but watch and pray). In 1994 she hit rock bottom: a bone marrow transplant (me) for leukemia; chemo and radiation; later, dialysis (her last five years). She continued drinking and smoking (but only 5 or six cigarettes a day!) even while on dialysis....
Meanwhile our marathon running fitness-fanatic sister died only half a year after Lori did. Struck down with a sudden (but very overdue) diagnosis of Stage 4 stomach cancer.
It hurts to watch our loved ones spiral down, especially when their own bad choices contributed to their demise, and I feel for you, and add my prayers to yours for your daughter.
Miracles happen. Not often enough. But the impossible sometimes will happen. I never give up hope.
Hugs!!! Thank you for sharing this!
Alcoholism is just as bad as drugs. I am so sorry for the loss of your sisters. One of my sisters was on drugs, living on the street, and doing whatever it took to get her drugs. She lived like that for 15 years and today she is clean and raising her grandkids. So I know there is hope, but I keep waiting on my daughter to hit rock bottom. I thought she was there two times, but no. One she called me at night and told me where she was, but she was not there. She had woken up on the side of a deserted road, bleeding from her rear end and laying in a hill of fire ants. The other time she was dumped at the hospital ER, rolled out of a car. She had OD-ed, and they gave her Narcan to bring her back, when she woke she took off. Thank you for the prayers.
I'm so glad your one sister got clean, and hoping/praying your daughter will too.
What stories - how do we all survive so many things - and on top of it all, FIRE ANTS.....
Prayers, for sure. I have a litany of people in mind as I vacuum and do dishes and fill up the quiet time wondering who else is out there and what's happening in their lives. Can't think too long or too hard on it but I like to channel the honey bee, flitting from flower to flower, not to take nectar, but to say hello..... to send greetings along through the breeze .... hello, all!
Can't think too long or too hard on it but I like to channel the honey bee, flitting from flower to flower, not to take nectar, but to say hello..... to send greetings along through the breeze .... hello, all! I love this.
Still thinking of you and your family -
I fall off the face of the earth fairly often, these days, but I think of so many Freewrite Friends and Hivers and Silvebloggers and creatives. Imagining/hoping/trusting connections are made, with invisible silken spider-like threads holding us together.
I have tried to get her help, when she was 17 I did what is called a Murphy Act on her and she had to go to a rehab, court ordered. She did good until 5 years ago, she is now 40. I have had her Baker Acted several times and the last time they would not do it. She will not willingly go. She is not in the right mind anymore, and she does not look like she used to look, but I still love her and wish there was something that I could do, worse feeling in the world is to watch someone you love..... I cannot write the rest, I hope you understand what I was going to say.
Ohhhh, I'm so sorry. Watching a loved one go down that road, the one leading to ruin, and having no powers of persuasion to reel them back - in 1987 I was advised that my sister (alcoholism) would have to hit rock bottom (I could do nothing but watch and pray). In 1994 she hit rock bottom: a bone marrow transplant (me) for leukemia; chemo and radiation; later, dialysis (her last five years). She continued drinking and smoking (but only 5 or six cigarettes a day!) even while on dialysis....
Meanwhile our marathon running fitness-fanatic sister died only half a year after Lori did. Struck down with a sudden (but very overdue) diagnosis of Stage 4 stomach cancer.
It hurts to watch our loved ones spiral down, especially when their own bad choices contributed to their demise, and I feel for you, and add my prayers to yours for your daughter.
Miracles happen. Not often enough. But the impossible sometimes will happen. I never give up hope.
Hugs!!! Thank you for sharing this!
Alcoholism is just as bad as drugs. I am so sorry for the loss of your sisters. One of my sisters was on drugs, living on the street, and doing whatever it took to get her drugs. She lived like that for 15 years and today she is clean and raising her grandkids. So I know there is hope, but I keep waiting on my daughter to hit rock bottom. I thought she was there two times, but no. One she called me at night and told me where she was, but she was not there. She had woken up on the side of a deserted road, bleeding from her rear end and laying in a hill of fire ants. The other time she was dumped at the hospital ER, rolled out of a car. She had OD-ed, and they gave her Narcan to bring her back, when she woke she took off. Thank you for the prayers.
I'm so glad your one sister got clean, and hoping/praying your daughter will too.
What stories - how do we all survive so many things - and on top of it all, FIRE ANTS.....
Prayers, for sure. I have a litany of people in mind as I vacuum and do dishes and fill up the quiet time wondering who else is out there and what's happening in their lives. Can't think too long or too hard on it but I like to channel the honey bee, flitting from flower to flower, not to take nectar, but to say hello..... to send greetings along through the breeze .... hello, all!
Can't think too long or too hard on it but I like to channel the honey bee, flitting from flower to flower, not to take nectar, but to say hello..... to send greetings along through the breeze .... hello, all! I love this.
Still thinking of you and your family -
I fall off the face of the earth fairly often, these days, but I think of so many Freewrite Friends and Hivers and Silvebloggers and creatives. Imagining/hoping/trusting connections are made, with invisible silken spider-like threads holding us together.
Yes, we do have some sort of connection to each other, Hive is the best platform that I have seen and it is because of the people who use it.