in Freewriters5 years ago

how do you live when you know you're going to die?
how do you choose when you don't have a choice?
how do you give what you don't have?
how will you have when you're not given?
how will you achieve what is not meant for you?
how do you control what is out of control?
the salty water went out of control as it tasted bitter on his lips,
he wondered why life made him less privileged compare to life itself,
the thought of it sent thousands of daggers piercing through his core.
if only he also had what life gave to others,
he was helpless, that amidst the shred.
he still had to breathe until the day he realise that it's not what he didn't have that rendered him helpless, but what he never knew.
his ignorance about who he really is.