One moment indeed changes everything

in Freewriters9 months ago

In a blink of an eye, everything changes. The strongest love fades away, the most beautiful friendship tears apart. We lose people, we get replaced, we watch our favourite ones fall out of love from us and there's nothing we can ever do about it. We watch cracks forming up in the relationships we thought are perfect, yet don't know how to mend it up. We get habituated with people hurting us, and are left with a void on our hearts at the end. Life's indeed so much more tough than we thought it would be. We eventually learn to let go off the people we thought we would never live without. We eventually convince ourselves that not everything is meant to be, and not everything goes according to how we want it to be.
And at the end, we're just left alone in an isolated island with our broken dreams.
One moment indeed changes everything.

Picture Source : Netflix Records**