They're KILLING us and we're helping them. Thank God its happening peacefully.

in Freewriters5 years ago


Hello guys. Royero here. I'm one of the new guys on the block. Hope the title catched your attention. I'm starting to write more often, this platform convinced me thanks to the decentralized nature, nobody wants to write and get the channel removed cause the "Masters" dont like the content.

Yes, this is a post about COVID-19 o KungFlu (laughing emoticon here).

But I'm not a doctor, I'm not gonna sit here and try to explain medicine even we all read and at some point, as adults, we gather sustancial info about health but its not the same read than study medicine.

Of course I'm going to talk to you about politics. Politicians factually used their power to force one, and one only, narrative about what to think, what to do, what to know and how to feel about COVID. The entire 2020 year has been turbulent, news started late Nov 2019 but Countries started taking the issue seriously by Feb, every country managing their own narrative and own measures to contain governability not virus.

The great majority of countries around the world have Totalitarian Governments or Communist Governments, just a few leading countries in the world try to appear as Democratic Governments but if you put a glass on them, they are dismantling Legal Institutions day by day.

Whether we like it or not, the best country in the world is the United States of America, not because its nominal data compared to other countries is the best, which are among the best, but because the weight of the American economy and the influence that both its economy and its culture have in other countries is gigantic. Most of the countries of the world set their sights on observing how the United States handled the problem of the pandemic. But the United States is in a very delicate situation. Extremely delicate. The current President of the United States of America is Donald Trump and for all those governments that I mention to you, Communists and Totalitarians, the redundancy is worth, the policies of the current American president weaken the economies of many countries that have been benefiting from bad economic policies of the past.

Everything started on March 19, 2020,It was the first time that President Trump named Hydroxychloroquine as a possible treatment for COVID. From that date on, almost 99% of the world's media, especially the largest and most "renowned" news networks in the world, began to cover in a totally politicized and irresponsible way all the information that the task force against COVID gave in each of the press conferences. Doctors and researchers from various countries such as France, Israel, Singapore, South Korea, among others, began to report describing symptoms, announcing studies and sharing their results immediately in order to achieve a cure in the fastest way; For many, not for all, it was a surprise how the media, governments and certain politicians of certain countries began to order that all information that does not comply with their approval should be removed from any digital platform. Why would this number of people massively order the media to hide information about the results of studies and possible cures for COVID?

It is one thing for a person like me, without a medical degree, to share unconfirmed information on how to treat the virus, but for multiple doctors around the world to be fired, ridiculed, closed social media accounts, articles and videos on their Deleted accounts, researchers who refuse to publish studies where Hydroxychloroquine has had positive effects, many of these people should be considered criminals.

SARS 2005.jpg

President Trump has allowed Dr Fauci to remain after several statements where he has left more doubts than answers. Here an article of Dr Fauci where he said different things about Hydroxychloroquine and SARS

In the month of July we saw how several doctors, among them doctors Stella Immanuel and Simone Gold, gave a press conference where they reported that they had treated more than 300 positive patients with COVID-19 firsthand and the treatment with Hydroxychloroquine had worked. almost 100% effective, but immediately these doctors were ridiculed and fired. Platforms such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, actively acted to remove all content on Hydroxychloroquine, many videos were removed where DOCTORS recommended the use of this drug.

So, if one of the most contagious viruses in the world is rolling all over the planet, and it is clear that the more tests you carry out, the more likely it is that you will have more positive cases declared, but positive cases do not equal the number of deaths, many Positive cases have very mild symptoms and in some cases they have no symptoms. Hoping that the information that many clinics, hospitals and Health Institutions are manipulating data on the exact number of people who have faithfully died from COVID-19 and not from any other cause we ask ourselves the following: Why have they lied? Why have they deliberately removed information? Why do they not allow DOCTORS to freely share and compare results of treatment studies with positive results? Why the Remdesivir that costs $ 3,000 if it works and the Hydroxychloroquine that costs $ 10 does not work? Why are doctors around the world ridiculed and it turns out that digital platforms and journalists know more about medicine than doctors and can they approve or disapprove when doctors are right?

Many questions that have no direct answer and that obviously will not be answered, but we can get a great lesson from all this:
Journalism is practically dead, politicians manipulate the narrative using unethical criminal journalists. The digital media, the great technological platforms are in the hands of the same people, if the truth is off their agenda, all the information will be hidden or misrepresented.

We need to learn to investigate on our own, we need to learn to use social networks to not follow the mainstream media but specific users who share information, compare information, listen to and read multiple sources, wait for a news item to be contrasted by public opinion and Thus, experts and professionals in the field come out giving their technical opinion and with that information we reach our own conclusion, not being victims of political polarization, often an expert with the most true information is on the other spectrum of the political sphere and Because of political activism / fanaticism we refuse to listen to other opinions. You have to listen to all possible ideas and arguments, you don't have to kill the conversation simply because you are political fanatics, sometimes even a communist can say something certain like that starvation is bad.

I try my best to filter the users that I follow on my social networks to have the best possible information and as much as possible so that I can then compare what I read, normally the truth is not in a specific article but in a pattern of conduct or information being shared. The State and the Politicians always lie. You can see good content on my Twitter Account.

My Twitter User, the only social network I actively use, is Royero5
Many Twitter users are moving to Parler and some to GAB simply because we get tired of accounts that are deleted because the central entity does not like the information they share. Remember that we put together our own Timeline, in your Timeline only users you choose appear, and if someone does a Retweet that you perfectly dislike, you can stop following that person. Arm your social networks with the best possible content, quantity is not quality.

A pleasure to write to you, all comments will be well received.

Stay Safe &
Hate Communism.


In my country, our health minister quit because our president wanted to push hydroxychloroquine to the population. As a form of protesting. Our president went on with it anyway. A lot of studies were started, but they ended up soon shutting down. Because too many human patients were dying.

Hydroxychloroquine, Trump says. He also suggested ingesting bleach.

the huge problem with Hydroxyclhoroquine is that, Medics promoting the use get banned and the ones banning Hydrodychloroquine are politics.There are many studies and all of them are not shared by the media or just straight banned. Social media don't "allow" people to even discuss Hydroxy and Hydroxy have been used for decades for other illness.

"Hydroxychloroquine is in a class of drugs called antimalarials. It works by killing the organisms that cause malaria. Hydroxychloroquine may work to treat rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus by decreasing the activity of the immune system."


Do you know what causes Malaria? Not a virus.

Using Hydroxychloroquine to treat a disease that harms the immune system, Covid-19 (aka coronaVIRUS), is a fucking stupid idea. I'm glad they censor it. That's like promoting that 1 + 1 = 50. It's retarded. Pieces of shit who call themselves "doctors" but still promote this should be burnt alive for inspiring a movement that has already ended up in thousands of deaths.

Hey, do you know who is not on your "side"? The United States themselves. Because not everyone in that government is a brainless muppet like Trump.

April 23, 2020 — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a Drug Safety Communication today reminding doctors there are serious side effects when using hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in the off-label use to treat COVID-19 patients. This includes potentially life-threatening heart rhythm problems.

Would you like the source for the above quotation? Here it is

Do you know why promoting hydroxychloroquine is bannable in social media? Because promoting self-harm and suicide is bannable. It's just that simple.

Are you a doctor? have a very interesting info, thanks for the link. but if you are no a doctor,you are just like me citing the source you believe. I suspected your info as soon I read BBC.. There are sooo many "professionals" in many areas selling their name and their reputation to Politics and any who can buy them.. in my writing I said, Im not a doctor, but the manipulation all the info have is too obvious that use the word Trustworthy is plain stupid, and yes, extremely stupid like you said. Guess I will need to post another writing using all the links of all the info I read about different studies on France, Israel, USA and many countries treating COVID with different protocol and medication. WHO? really? FDA? its like telling me if I believe Moody's or Standard & Poor, if Doctors want to medicate people with any medication be my guess, banning INFORMATION and tellin Doctor how to practice their profession is indeed very EXTREMELY FUCKING STUPID.

you believe trump, the dumbest president usa has ever had. that yells something

you know what's not a matter of opinion or politics? science

if you want to rely on other people's opinions without doing any research yourself, you're not worth talking to. no respect

why don't you make a new post claiming the earth is flat? it's all a matter of opinion to you, right? it'll be just as much of a joke to me and to anyone with a brain

it's not about politics. when it comes to medicine, if you want to engage in a debate about political opinion instead of demanding actual scientific conclusions from the parties you support, there's no reason to take you seriously. ever. about this or anything else. no matter what. if you're irrational about this, then you can't be trusted with anything else that requires rational thinking either.

but even if you did want to talk about politics... you go out of your way to support trump. a lot of people who we would otherwise respect are coming out of their closets as zombies. you're all brain dead, you just didn't make it public before

debating personal belief over science? you might be his little cow, but this is not religion. no one else will take you seriously. go on, post about "flat Earth". tell us how "non-aggressive principle makes the world better". explain to us "climate change is a hoax". all in one go. these are all retarded things you people love to post. go on, prove to everybody else how you're unworthy

this is what you're saying: "oh hey, this drug might help kill you when you have covid-19. we don't know for sure yet. some doctors say it will kill you, while others aren't sure. noone is sure it will help you. with that in mind, I still suggest you risk it. trust me!"


Let's pretend for just one moment that you are, in fact, right.

Let's pretend it's all about choosing who to believe in. There are only two options. We can choose A or B:

A) The same people Trump supporters do. Pro-chloroquine

B) Everyone and anyone else. Anti-chloroquine

It might not be obvious to you or to anyone else within option A, but every single retard who "picked" A is hated by B. You guys can keep trying to pretend you're not idiots, but you'll always look and sound inferior to the rest of the world. We'll always despise you. Most of us don't always make it obvious like I do, but it's the truth.

Very nice arguments mate.. love to see you around my post.. stay around.. we indeed love to see you guys..

not sure if you're serious or if you're being sarcastic, but this hasn't been personal. no grudges towards you specifically

Just in case it is not clear you're trying to say something extremely fucking stupid...

Trials in several countries are being "temporarily" suspended as a precaution, the [World Health Organization] said on Monday.

It comes after a recent medical study suggested the drug could increase the risk of patients dying from Covid-19.

The Lancet study involved 96,000 coronavirus patients, nearly 15,000 of whom were given hydroxychloroquine - or a related form chloroquine - either alone or with an antibiotic.

The death rates of the treated groups were: hydroxychloroquine 18%; chloroquine 16.4%; control group 9%. Those treated with hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine in combination with antibiotics had an even higher death rate.

The study found that the patients were more likely to die in hospital and develop heart rhythm complications than other Covid patients in a comparison group.

BBC source

"oh but that study was retracted"

No shit, Sherlock! You have real doctors against the interests of every gigantic multinational corporation allied with The Trump Organization.

If, after all of this, you still have the guts to keep telling people to shut up and die, then don't be surprised when I am implicitly/explicitly telling you the same right now while suggesting you hold some poorly-developed genetics. Of course, this is the case only if you insist in spouting this crap.

Either way you can't ignore this:

The FDA has issued an EUA to allow hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine products donated to the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to be distributed and used in limited circumstances, such as for certain hospitalized patients with COVID-19. These drugs are able to be distributed from the SNS to states for doctors to prescribe to adolescent and adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19, as appropriate, when a clinical trial is not available or feasible. The EUA requires that fact sheets with important information about using these drugs in treating COVID-19, including the known risks and drug interactions, as well as appropriate screening and monitoring, be made available to healthcare providers and patients."

tl;dr "you shouldn't take this, but if you insist, then fucking take it, you retard"

This has not been retracted. hey? source!