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RE: 15 Quotes On The Epic Super-Power Most Content-Creators Neglect

in Freewriters4 years ago

Your gif game is so strong, lol.

Glad you enjoyed it, and you're so right, where there's a will to persuade, there is indeed a way. Well said.

Persistence, timing, environment and more all play roles, for sure. As does mindset. Fantastic points, @brittandjosie , thank you, haha, persuaded-reader :) 🙏


An we do new tags for this #persuadedreader #persuadermindset or better yet a community, but yes it’s a multiple thing needed job

Haha! I totally agree, it's such an important subject, it could definitely use some proper tags, or even a full-fledged community. Hopefully someone reads this and is inspired to start one. :) Woo! More great ideas, thank you! 🙏

That’s what happens when the number two and number 5 in engagement go head to head. To many ideas. But a great tag is always possible and cool

Boom! You know it! That's how we roll :) #EngagementRyzing :) 🙏