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RE: Do Your Hive Headlines Need Help?

in Freewriters4 years ago

LMAO, actually, this made me laugh more, haha, and not only at myself for my lack of comprehension, lol.

Your headline is loaded with your personal wit and style, and anyone who clicked on it would be greeted with more of the same, both good points. It's quite unique as far as headlines go, and uniqueness can help quite a bit to stand out in a world of noise. It got me to click, anyway, lol.

That said, your post is about some pretty 'heavy' stuff that may resonate and matter to others who've had 'father' issues, so leaving out any trace of that may hurt the post's performance?

It may be worth injecting a bit of the post's core subject matter into the headline, something like:

"Smooth Title That Rolls Off The Tongue Effortlessly Into A Post About Absent Fathers."
"Smooth Title That Rolls Off The Tongue Effortlessly Into A Post About Low-Grade Dads."

Or something like that. Just spit-balling though, and it'd need to be properly split-tested for conclusive proof of which headline was better, but really interesting food for thought, thanks for asking my input. :) 🙏


My pleasure. Thanks for the detailed response. This whole conversation piece got a little wacky actually, didn't count on the joke being on me.... It was just supposed to be funny like ha-ha but went misunderstood and, now here we are, however many hours into this conversation and I'm actually quite fucking impressed with your simple wording change sir.


For sure man, and I loved it all, lol. It was funny on multiple levels :) Plus I got to learn about Dan! (And glad you liked the tweaks, 'en garde,' haha!) 🙏