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RE: Freedom or Censorship on HIVE?

in Freewriters4 years ago

I'm pretty new to Hive, (I've been here about a month), but I'm very familiar with censorship. Sometimes it's just an accident or a misunderstanding. Other times it's intentional. Either way, when it happens a person has 3 main options. I wrote a guide on how to deal with censorship recently, it may be helpful to you?

Regardless, I hope the situation gets resolved, and I hope you feel better. Wishing you a great day. 🙏


Interesting post! Thank You! Otherways, I don't longer know what to think about this situation, I guess I am still surprised.

I'm glad you found in interesting. Yes, it's surprising overall, but there are options on how to proceed. Wishing you lots of joy and success! 🙏

ur post was a bit long for me to read, im just here for the memes. One thing I think that misses people is that technically you cant be censored on the Hive blockchain itself, the frontends that display the blockchain data is where the actual censorship can occur with features like muting or hiding downvoted content. One frontend might display ur post while another doesnt; its at a different layer than the blockchain itself. Yes downvotes remove the rewards but they dont censor it, but a frontend can censor posts based on downvotes etc. again this is a more technical take as a developer, any censorship is not on the blockchain itself but on the websites (frontends) that display the data.

Yes, you make a good point. I covered it in part two of my censorship guide, about halfway down:

"Well, I can downvote all I want, but people's content still exists on the blockchain."

“Sure, and the government can ‘downvote weed’ all it wants, but marijuana still exists, and some still smoke it. Do you feel free as you do shady deals with your dealer and smoke under our back porch? Or do you feel your freedom restricted, and your enjoyment of plant-life censored?”

“The latter.”

“Exactly, censorship doesn’t only include ‘banning’ things or ‘deleting’ them from existence. It’s any form of suppressing another’s expression. That includes lowering their earnings or reputation, simply for expressing something you find offensive or undesirable or ‘over-rewarded.’ You feel censored even by things that aren’t ‘obviously’ censorship, because deep down, you know your freedom of expression is being pressured.”

Thank you for explaining it from a blockchain/developer perspective, much appreciated. 🙏