A couple of days ago, out of boredom, the desire to keep track of the things that ended up being on my history watchlist suddenly emerged out of nowhere and the end result of that weird desired search surely ensured the rollercoaster ride of this mind.
I only considered taking a handful hours of binge Youtube videos watching history in my investigation and it amazed me how the watch history circulated from a dog chasing around a butterfly shorts to the youngest killer in Japan's history, both sandwiching the weirdly confusing habits of cheapskates.
Now, out of all the things that I watched, the interview and lifestyle of several cheapskates was the funniest and most confusing part of the ride. There was one woman who didn’t let anyone in her family take a shower more than two minutes and to keep track of the time, she installed a baby monitor in the bathroom. So whenever someone was in the shower, she could hear how long the water had been used. A very creepy and controlling way to keep tabs on someone else shower. Also how the hell can someone take a proper bath in two fucking minutes, it even takes more than that to wash ones head properly.
But unfortunately, that was not the most disgusting thing about her cheap controlling habit.. Nope. It was the reusing of food boiling water. She for the love of everything just couldn’t use a new fresh batch of water in her dinner preparation, nope, it has to be the weeks old, cloudy, kind of lumpy reused water which by the look of it could surely give a psychotic diarrhea to anyone.
There was another woman, who shopped for the upcoming Christmas. But spending money to buy new things for the family would surely give her a major heart attack. So to find a more suitable solution, she planned out a year-long scheme. Instead of buying cheap things, she would visit her relatives house and steal some of the items, like sunglasses, handbag, socks etc and then wrapped them up in a giftbox to give it back to the person those things belonged to, in her word, by giving them the things they have lost for a long year would surely bring the happiness of Christmas. But returning the stolen stuff back was not the only thing she did, nope, in her word she is not that bad, so where she could go and gather gifts and not spend a dime, well, of course to the garbage bin.
At this point I was just laughing my ass off, giving back stolen things was a unique way of ending the year, on top of that giving away things from trash (although she did manage to find some cool things) was the cherry on top. For a while I wondered what type of conversation her family members would have when someone loses something from their house. It would surely be like Damn it Karen, not my favorite tea-pot.
The last one was a woman who spent her whole life collecting various kinds of coupons, creating a room full of product inventory for which she might as well have spent a total of hundred dollars. Man what was not in there, from baby diapers to walking sticks. It looked like if the Zombie apocalypse ever arrived on this earth, this woman can comfortably live inside her house for years.
She would wake up each morning with a detailed plan of how, where and when she would get the maximum output of her coupon collection. She had a massive journal full of her hardworking treasured coupons, and she would bring those to attack every sales offer made by the departmental stores. If the arrival of such a creature happens one of those days, the souls of poor cashiers will be lost in hell.
The documentary showed a glimpse of one of those visits, where she was planning to shop one thousands dollars worth of groceries, but the budget of her paying actual money was only 50, the rest would magically disappear by the power of coupons and in the end, that's what happened.
The cashier had to scan an inhuman amount of coupons which ended up breaking the fucking scanning machine. The store had to come up with an alternative and it took two people to manually do the calculation, scanning and a good chunk of their lifetime to be finally able to free themselves from the clutches of the coupon demon. In the end, the woman only needed to pay 5 dollars for the twelve hundred dollars worth of shopping.
Coupons One, scanning machine Zero.
Ohhh damnnn I watched these documentariess XDDD Best 20 min of my lifeee XDDD
Yes yes, it was such a hilarious experience XDD